A little while ago we stumbled across a pair of antlers in the woods. We had a bright idea, and now after almost 4 years of being in Austria we have been hit by the alpine culture. We created pure beeswax candles in 4 different shapes of antelers.
We have learned a lot in this process, from material research to modelmaking then dealing with packaging, due to which we would like to start the whole production process of LES BOIS ALLUMÈS improving different elements in order to make the candles production process more efficient, hence the candles will be sold at a more economic price.
Not only the mouldmaking was a big challenge, where to place cutlines and things, but also placing the wick in the right position, which is essential for the function of the candle as well. In the beginning we used standard paraffin, but quickly realised the limits and downsides; like intense smell when pouring the candles. We where looking for a natural biodegradable material and discovered white beeswax, in which the pollen have been centrifuged. Beeswax candles are virtually smoke-less and drip-less when used properly. Beeswax is also biodegradable and environmentally friendly.
We do not only want to produce beautiful candles, but also a sustainable product. Candles are made from many products, but predominantly paraffin wax is the most common. Paraffin wax is a petroleum by-product and many people are not aware of the side effects of paraffin. The long term effects of burning paraffin candles are quite a hazard for one’s health.
Candles made from beeswax on the other hand are a renewable resource. The wax is a secretion from the glands on the underside of their abdomens and is used for the construction of the honeycomb. The beeswax candles last up to three times longer than paraffin wax candels and leave a nice and healthy scent in the room.
Our target group ;-)
Romanticists, Taxidermists, Hutners, Friends of exuberant table decoration, Paleontologist, People who like driving cross country, People who like walking in the woods, Couch potatoes, Climbers, Mushroomhunters, Friends of cozyness, Bee fans, and everyone else who like lighting a little light form time to time....
Our goal is to optimize the current production, since the molds so far where really improvised because we where just testing things out. So the big goal is to optimize the production on such a scale that the sales price decreases, so that everyone can have a few LES BOIS ALLUMÉS burning at diner.
If we manage to receive a successful funding we will develop a new production range of LES BOIS ALLUMÉS candles. The money will mainly be spent on the development and production of a mold for the new prototype in order to produce larger numbers of candles in a shorter time and therefor available at a better price. At our first attempt we only managed to pour 3 candles a day.
Sophie Birkmayer and Tammo Claassen
Since 2005 CLAASSEN & PARTNER offer design solutions in the areas of product design, interior design corporate communication as well as graphic and web-design. In their work they interlace elements from different contexts and combine them in a new way. Central here is the role of the design process: experimenting with new materials, the practical research into new constellations, the play with the language of shapes. In this way new combinations are manifested that on the one hand refer back to the design process while on the other hand they undercut, question or lead the alleged congruency of form and function ad absurdum. Form and thematic references are picked up, deconstructed and fed back into the cultural cycle in a new constellation. Materials that have already served their purpose are recycled and assigned towards a new mission. The requirement here remains at all times: consistent, straight design that is reduced to the essentials.
CLAASSEN & PARTNER understand themselves as a team for the realization of design strategies. This holds equally true for complex industry produced design tasks as well as small series and custom made single unit production that require the development of new production processes in conjunction with partners form industry and trade.
Claassen & Partner GnbR | Sophie Birkmayer & Tammo Claassen Pezzlgasse 83 | 1170 Vienna | Austria
[email protected] | www.claassen-partner.com | fon +43 1 9243602 | Steuernummer: 181/6427
UID nummer: atu64767201 |