Crowdfunding since 2010

In a relaxing environment you will be able to enjoy the local beer festival in the green lung of Herzogenaurach.

This year it's going to be cooold, freeeesh and hot! "Best Beer From Here" will be served at the 2023 Kirchweih in Herzogenaurach - 07.07. until 16.07.2023 Unfortunately, this also means huge investments in the initial equipment: beer benches, umbrellas, dishwasher and beer dispenser. Of course you could rent - but rental costs are high and as a real brewery I would like to be able to organize your company's anniversary, big birthday, fire brigade festival etc.
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Funding period
3/21/23 - 6/1/23
July 07 - July 16 2023
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 21,740 €

Das Geld wird für die Teilfinanzierung der 1. Herzi Kerwa der bierfarbik hoehn verwendet und den Gebühren für das Crowdfunding - Zielauszahlbetrag sind 20k EUR.

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bierfabrik hoehn
Mathias Höhn
Erlanger Strasse 5
91074 Herzogenaurach Deutschland
USt-IdNr.: DE328561769
bierfabrik hoehn is doing the Herzo Kerwa
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