Crowdfunding since 2010
We want to have our new album “Adapted To Both Shade And Sun” pressed on vinyl and CD.
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Funding period
4/2/15 - 5/1/15
3 weeks
Minimum amount (Start level): €
3,000 €
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What is this project all about?

For about a year we worked on 11 new songs and recorded and produced them during last summer. Under the name of “Adapted To Both Shade And Sun” we'd like to release them as a full length album on vinyl, cd and as a digital download on our own label Insular. The funding supports us in covering the manufacturing costs for the physical sound carriers.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

The new album is to be released physically. It's interesting for people who know Binoculers by visiting a concert or by listening to the prior releases (“Every Seaman's Got A Favourite Spaceship” and “There Is Not Enough Space In The Dark”), as well as everyone who discovers our music on this platform by chance.

Why would you support this project?

“Adapted To Both Shade And Sun” is written, arranged, recorded, produced and mixed all by ourselves and is to be released on our own label. For these reasons the whole production of the album is totally independent with all its decisions made for the benefit of the music. By supporting this project you help us realise our self-determinded way of making music.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

The money's gonna be exchanged with a bulk of sound carriers in boxes. Partly they will be shipped to your houses while we drive around with the rest of them, playing concerts.
In case the goal is exceeded we'll be happy to pay some money to all the great people who supported us so far and will keep on doing this in the following months in such important things as shooting and cutting a video, promoting, mastering and creating the artwork for the album.

Who are the people behind the project?

Musicians: Nadja Rüdebusch and Daniel Gädicke
Nadja writes music under the name of Binoculers since 2007 and released two full-length albums and one EP. Like in the start-up phase of the band she's now joined by Daniel (xrFarflight, Sonmoon), who also co-produced the second album “There Is Not Enough Space In The Dark”.

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Binoculers - Adapted To Both Shade And Sun
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