Crowdfunding since 2010
We are BLACK VULPINE from Dortmund/Germany. Throughout the previous summer we have recorded our first full-length album, and soon it is about to be released. Our music (tight, female-fronted stoner rock) is virtually made to be pressed on vinyl. We are very much looking forward to presenting the full-length album “Hidden Places” to you in upcoming June - not only as a digital release, but also as a 12" vinyl LP with great cover art. Help us to realize this project!
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Funding period
3/23/15 - 5/5/15
End of May 2015
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
1,000 €
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Wichtige Info für alle Supporter!!!

Rüdiger Stirnberg
Rüdiger Stirnberg2 min Lesezeit

Der Countdown läuft... morgen endet unsere "Hidden Places Goes Vinyl" Kampagne und es ist einfach nur der Hammer, dass wir unser Baby dank Euch schaukeln können!!!

Leider haben wir jetzt die Info bekommen, dass das Presswerk aufgrund vieler Aufträge unsere Lp's nicht im Juni fertig bekommt. Da können wir bedauerlicher Weise nix dran rütteln, dass ist höhere Macht :-). Vorraussichtlich werden die Platten aber Ende Juli/ Anfang August im Kasten sein.

Ihr werdet trotzdem schon im Laufe des Juni Eure georderten Pakete bekommen - nur vorerst ohne Schallplatte - dafür aber schon mit Downloadcode!!! Das heißt, wer uns bei Startnext unterstützt hat, wird exklusiv ca. 2 Monate vor der offiziellen Release "Hidden Places" in digitaler Form erhalten. Die Vinylversion senden wir Euch so bald wie möglich hinterher. Wir halten euch auf dem Laufenden.

Once more in English:
Unfortunately, the pressing plant will not be able to finish our Lp's before end of July/ beginning of August. Our supporters will nevertheless receive the ordered bundles in June - just without the record - however including the download code! That means our startnext supporters will exclusively get the digital version of "Hidden Places" about 2 months before the official release date!!! As soon as the record is ready we will send it without additional costs.


Eure Vulpines


Take off

Rüdiger Stirnberg
Rüdiger Stirnberg1 min Lesezeit
Legal notice
Black Vulpine
Rüdiger Stirnberg
Weberstr. 24
53113 Bonn Deutschland

5/4/15 - Unfortunately, the pressing plant will not be...

Unfortunately, the pressing plant will not be able to finish our Lp's before end of July/ beginning of August.

Our supporters will nevertheless receive the ordered bundles in June - just without the record - however including the download code!

That means our startnext supporters will exclusively get the digital version of "Hidden Places" about 2 months before the official release date!!! As soon as the record is ready we will send it without additional costs.

Black Vulpine - Album "Hidden Places" goes Vinyl
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