Crowdfunding since 2010
BOX2FLY is carry-on luggage made entirely of cardboard, which combines minimum weight with maximum volume. BOX2FLY is extraordinarily stable and particularly water-resistant. BOX2FLY can be used for multiple trips and can be stored easily in a folded state. BOX2FLY is produced in Germany yet is cheaper than most common cabin luggage. Recycled paper makes up more than 50% of the material for BOX2FLY.
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Funding period
9/23/13 - 11/15/13
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
7,500 €
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What is this project all about?

The Challenge
Anyone who has flown with Ryanair, Germanwings, or Air Berlin knows that for many budget airlines, checking luggage incurs additional fees. Ryanair for instance charges up to 40 euros per flight. So traveling with cabin luggage only becomes more attractive. However, strict size and weight requirements apply.

The Solution
BOX2FLY is a carry-on made of cardboard. The material is inexpensive, environmentally friendly and fairly light. Its box shape exactly matches the most common carry-on size restrictions of 55cm x 40cm x 20cm.

We developed a unique handle construction protected with the German Patent Office as a utility model: the handle is exceptionally robust thanks to four layers of material. Better yet, the handle can be folded in when necessary, reducing BOX2FLY’s dimensions to those permitted by most airlines and making it convenient for planes’ overhead luggage compartments.

BOX2FLY opens like a backpack, loading from the top. Like a moving box we deliver BOX2FLY in its folded state. Once unfolded and brought to its box shape, the bottom construction falls into place.

The Advantages
Weight: since cardboard is a remarkably light material the BOX2FLY only weighs 850 grams.

Size : with its dimensions of 55cm x 40cm x 20cm BOX2FLY adheres to the cabin luggage requirements of Ryanair, Lufthansa, Air Berlin, Germanwings and many others.

Stability: the outer layer consists of moisture-repellent, high quality paper. BOX2FLY retains its integrity holding a load of more than 10 kilograms.

Convenience: BOX2FLY can be deployed for multiple trips. When not used as a carry-on BOX2FLY can be folded and stored under your bed or behind your drawers.

Sustainability: BOX2FLY will be produced in Germany adhering to the highest environmental standards. Our suppliers follow a holistic sustainability policy. Recycled paper makes up more than 50 percent of BOX2FLY’s material.

CO2 compensation: 1 euro of the retail price of each BOX2FLY will be donated to atmosfair in order to compensate for the climate impact of an average flight within Europe (e.g. Munich-London or Berlin-Paris).

Price: one BOX2FLY is aimed to cost 10 euros, with three for only 25 euros. Only shipping costs extra.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

The Goal
With your support BOX2FLY’s serial production can take off. Our company is already founded. The idea is ready for the market. Several prototypes of BOX2FLY have been produced and vigorously tested. Your support can help our idea become reality and offer the world an innovative carry-on with many advantages.

The Target Group
We hope to be supported by all those who want to give a chance to an innovation, appreciate the advantages of the BOX2FLY, or who simply like us…

When would you get a BOX2FLY? If you travel with cabin luggage only. If you want to take as much as possible in your carry-on. If you’re young with itchy feet but little money. If you’re an Erasmus student, moving for six months, and want to take as much as possible with you. If you’re looking for an environmentally friendly alternative to cheap plastic imports from Asia. If you think that cardboard is a great material. If you appreciate BOX2FLY’s minimalist style. If you are looking for a gift for an avid traveller…

Why would you support this project?

With BOX2FLY we are not simply in the planning phase: much has already been done since we started vigorously pushing in August 2012 for the realization of a sustainable piece of luggage. The product is fully designed and tested, a company has been legally founded, cost calculations have been made, storage has been found and bank accounts established, prints have been designed and construction ideas protected…
The product is ready. The groundwork has been laid. To enter the market we only need some money. Support us and we can soon go live with our innovation and offer you a product that we fully believe in.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

Shipping and VAT
Shipping for almost all Dankeschöns amounts to 5.90€, and a VAT is owed as well.

Two cutting forms and a printing stencil
Two cutting forms will be purchased from any money left. These will be applied to our supplier’s cutting machine in order to produce cardboard boxes according to our specifications. One of these forms is required for the BOX2FLY. The other form cuts a shipping box fitted around the BOX2FLY. Further start-up costs accrue as a printing stencil for the boxes’ lettering has to be purchased.

Initial product stock
Based on our supplier’s policies we are required to purchase certain minimum quantities. Hence the remaining funds flow into the production of the actual BOX2FLY.

Who are the people behind the project?

We, Jonas and Niklas, have been friends for over two decades. We are both about to complete our university degrees and for more than a year we have been busy working to realize BOX2FLY.


Legal notice
BOX2FLY UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Kerßenbrockstraße 28
48147 Münster Deutschland

Vertreten durch:
Jonas Fastabend


Eintragung im Handelsregister.
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Münster
Registernummer: B 14497

Ust-ID: DE290913862

2/10/14 - Neue Website Seit heute ist die neue Website...

Neue Website Seit heute ist die neue Website von BOX2FLY online. Unter findet man alle Informationen über den Handgepäckkoffer aus Wellpappe und selbstverständlich ist auch unserer Onlineshop auf der Seite zu finden.

12/5/13 - Was seit dem erfolgreichem Crowdfunding...

Was seit dem erfolgreichem Crowdfunding geschahVor knapp drei Wochen endete unsere Finanzierungsphase. Der Hersteller der BOX2FLY war schon informiert, sodass direkt mit der Produktion gestartet werden konnte und wir bereits eine Woche später beliefert wurden. Letzte Woche Mittwoch haben wir die ersten BOX2FLYs an unsere Unterstützer verschickt. Außerdem ist der Handgepäckkoffer aus Wellpappe mittlerweile in unserem Onlineshop unter erhältlich. Dank der Überfinanzierung konnten wir den Gebrauchsmusterschutz nun auch beim spanischen Patentamt beantragen.

11/9/13 - Fundingziel erreicht! Was passiert bei...

Fundingziel erreicht! Was passiert bei Überfinanzierung? Wir freuen uns sehr, dass jetzt schon die nötigen 7500 Euro zusammen gekommen sind, und danken an dieser Stelle noch einmal allen Supportern. Durch diese Summe ist die Produktion nun gesichert. Das Bestellen einer BOX2FLY (oder eines anderen Dankeschöns) ist bis zum Ablauf der Finanzierungsphase weiterhin möglich. Die bis dahin aufgegebenen Bestellungen werden aller Voraussicht nach in der letzten Novemberwoche verschickt. Mit dem Kapital, was wir zusätzlich zu den 7500 Euro einnehmen, planen wir das Gebrauchsmuster für die Griffkonstruktion auch in weiteren europäischen Ländern anzumelden.

BOX2FLY - a carry-on luggage made of cardboard
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