Crowdfunding since 2010

with an AI app, an expert community, and hands-on workshops with health experts. So that the world can finally understand how hormones work.

We aim to empower women to become experts on their bodies, providing personalized and scientifically backed recommendations for everyday life. We are developing an AI app that connects research with cycle data and makes it tangible through workshops. A community ensures that you never feel alone and have experts at your fingertips. The solution will be financed by health insurance companies and the economy in the long term.
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Funding period
2/1/24 - 3/16/24
We already started the mission
Website & Social Media
Funding goal: 10,000 €

The professional development of the app, free workshops for socially disadvantaged individuals, thank you gifts for our volunteers

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Primary sustainable development goal

What is this project all about?

Many women suffer silently from hormonal imbalances, receiving inadequate medical help. Symptoms are often ignored, poorly diagnosed, or treated with a one-size-fits-all solution. This can significantly restrict their quality of life, as they endure hidden battles in women's health. In Germany alone, 9 million workdays are lost annually due to menstrual pain. 84% of women experience menopausal symptoms, and 90% suffer from premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

Our innovative platform consists of an app and workshops that blend scientific knowledge with users' individual cycle data, analyzing and providing personalized recommendations for what women can do today to feel better tomorrow—whether it's related to nutrition, exercise, activities, or work commitments. The app offers minimal tracking and delivers quick, scientifically grounded recommendations to improve hormonal health. Our workshops enable women to better understand and manage their hormonal health, fostering open discussions and the exchange of experiences.

We believe that education, empowerment, and community support are key to addressing these challenges.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

We want to change the system, initiate prevention and research on women's health, and achieve sustainable improvement for the entire society, not just for women. Women's health significantly influences every part of our lives, in school, at work, in relationships, during pregnancy, and into old age. Knowledge must be imparted, and tools must be provided that make it easy to understand, uncover, and avoid hormonal imbalances.

That's why everyone is our target audience. Every person has at least one woman in their life - and she has a hormonal cycle that is almost unknown to most of us. It's not just that symptoms can be avoided. One can use the cycle and hormones for oneself instead of against oneself. This leads to a healthier and happier life.

Why would you support this project?

Women's health concerns us all. Yet, unfortunately, politics and the economy have not funded it sufficiently so far. Therefore, we must show them how much women's health matters to us.

Not only because the hormonal fluctuations, with all their painful consequences under which many women suffer, lead to real work absences and economic losses. This results in a systematic disadvantage for those affected.

These injustices have significant implications for women's private lives: some are temporarily physically restricted and unable to participate in public life, withdraw, and suffer in loneliness.

You likely know women who struggle with menstrual or menopausal symptoms. Perhaps they simply don't talk about it because they've had negative experiences discussing their pain. It's time to break this silence because it should be our collective goal to enable everyone to live as pain-free and self-determined lives as possible!

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

60% of the funds go into the development of our app and providing workshops, , 20% to support obtaining additional grants, 15% cover operational costs, and 5% are a thank you to our Fembassador network.

Who are the people behind the project?

Caona Health was founded by Tuya and Bea. Our founding duo brings extensive expertise in the fields of medicine, technology, and business management. Dr. Battuja Dugershaw-Kurzer, PhD in Biomedicine from ETH Zurich specializing in female hormone imbalances, represents scientific excellence and innovation in women's health. Beatrice Aretz, M.Sc. in Biomedical Engineering, brings technical expertise and strategic leadership from her career as a Microsoft developer and CTO of a data analytics startup.

But behind Caona, there are many more people! The support network of Caona is called the "FemBassador Network." It consists of several dozen experts from various fields who support our startup with their time, expertise, and services free of charge. This includes gynecologists, nutrition scientists, product managers, startup founders, as well as UX/UI designers and software developers.

What are the sustainable development goals of this project?

Primary sustainable development goal


Why does this project contribute to this goal?

Our product directly enhances the health of our users, as they get to know and understand their bodies better through daily interaction with the app and further educate themselves on hormonal women's health topics in our workshops. Additionally, anonymized data contributions help reduce the gender data gap and strengthen women's health in the long term. The FemBassador Network and various partnerships support us in achieving our goals.

This project also pays toward those goals

Gender equality
Legal notice
Caona Health GmbH
Beatrice Aretz
Pastor-Lambertz-Str. 23
41747 Viersen Deutschland
USt-IdNr.: DE361343364


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Let's make women the experts of their health
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