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CD recording with Collegium Musicum '23

For the first time, Johann Sebastian Bach's contrapuntal masterpiece is performed by the Collegium Musicum ‘23 on the surviving instruments of St Thomas Church in Leipzig, which have been there since Bach was cantor. The enigmatic and unfinished work is framed by the first and last chorales from Bach's Leipzig period, played by Johannes Lang on the Hildebrandt organ in Störmthal near Leipzig, which the great master himself also played. CD release on the label Ramée in June 2025.
Funding period
9/3/24 - 10/5/24
Sept. '24-June '25
Website & Social Media
Funding goal: 9,000 €

The budget contains the musicians' fees and travel expenses, CD production including photos and booklet, PR and advertising, project management and research as well as insurance costs.

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Legal notice
Freundeskreis Collegium Musicum '23 e. V.
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Wolff
Dittrichring 12
04109 Leipzig Deutschland

10/2/24 - Wir haben uns entschlossen, die...

Wir haben uns entschlossen, die Fianzierungsphase zu verlängern, weil Johannes Lang und Nadja Zwiener am 3. Oktober ein gemeinsames Konzert in Potsdam spielen, bei dem noch für das Projekt geworben werden kann. Um den Besuchern genug Zeit für eine Spende zu lassen, kommen nun weitere 2 Tage hinzu. Herzlichen Dank schon einmal an alle bisherigen Interessenten für die CD und die zahlreichen Spender!

„The Art of Fuge“ on Bach's instruments
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