Crowdfunding since 2010
After two years of playing a lot of show, we want to give something to all of you, who have always strongly supported us. Our very first full length album. Some songs will be included which are allready real live hits, such as Halo Lights or Bushido, but we are also going to record many, many brand new, never before heard tracks. It will be a blast! However the production of an album is expensive and we still need €3,500. Without your help we can not do it!
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Funding period
12/30/14 - 3/2/15
3-4 months
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
3,500 €
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Das Album ist fertig!!!/The album is done!!!

Tim Strouken
Tim Strouken1 min Lesezeit

Hey ho ihr lieben, lieben Leute!

Wir haben es tatsächlich geschafft! Das Album ist im Kasten, gemixt und morgen dann auch fertig gemastert!
Alle die bei unserem Crowdfunding mitgemacht haben und irgend etwas bestellt haben, sollten mit VISIONS FADE einen ersten Song im digitalen Briefkasten haben. Wenn das nicht der Fall ist, schreibt uns bitte kurz eine E-Mail an [email protected]. Leider haben wir unser Fundingziel noch nicht erreicht, wir setzen aber trotzdem alles dran das Album bald veröffentlichen zu können!
Circus of Fools
Hey ho dear folks!

We have actually made it! RAISE THE CURTAIN is recorded, mixed and will be mastered by tomorrow!
Everyone who took part in our crowd funding should have a first song in his or her digital inbox. If this is not the case, please contact us at [email protected]. We have not yet reached our funding goal, but we will do everything to bring you the complete album as soon as possible.
Circus of Fools

Legal notice
Circus of Fools
Tim Strouken
Jesinger Hauptstr. 78
72070 Tübingen Deutschland

2/9/15 - Last thursday we finished the last recordings...

Last thursday we finished the last recordings for our upcoming album. We are so damn happy! LET'S PARTY! Now mix and mastering are next and it could be that by and of the week we could present a first song of the album to all supporters on Startnext. So if you still haven't supported and want to listen to the new material: every little bit helps, we will be forever grateful! There are only 20 days left until the end of the funding phase and there's still a bit missing. The album w

1/10/15 - Die ersten 1000€ sind voll, hammer! Herzlichen...

Die ersten 1000€ sind voll, hammer! Herzlichen Dank dafür!
Außerdem sind alle Gitarrenspuren im Kasten, wir freuen uns mit jedem Arbeitsschritt mehr auf das Endprodukt, ihr euch auch?

1/6/15 - The recordings are going fairly well, bass and...

The recordings are going fairly well, bass and drums are done, now we are tracking some massive guitars ;) "RAISE THE CURTAIN" cause here comes THE album of the year :P

P.S. we still need somewhat around 3000€ so visit an support/buy! Every Euro is a step further! THANKS to all of you who already supported us!

Circus of Fools - 1. Album "RAISE THE CURTAIN"
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