Crowdfunding since 2010

Recording (and filming) some brand new songs to add to my Album, "Solid Ground" ready for it's summer release.

My name is Coby Grant and I am a musician from Australia based in Germany. I would love your support so I can record, mix and master some brand new songs in a "live" setting to add to my new album, which will be released in August. A live session in the studio with the band, jamming on the new songs I've been writing and finding that magic that only comes from a live performance. I'll also be filming the session so I have five videos to release as well.
Funding period
5/15/19 - 6/10/19
August 2019
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
8,000 €
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What is this project all about?

I've been writing, recording and performing music since I was 15 years old. I've independently released three albums, plus a couple of EPs and singles. When I was 19 I signed to an independent publisher in Australia, GAGA Publishing, who placed one of my songs in a TV Commercial in Scandinavia which was the catalyst for heading over to Europe and playing shows all over. I fell in love in Germany from the first gig so I have spent most of my time living and touring through there. Last year, I also participated in The Voice of Germany and made it to the semifinal. That was an awesome experience and allowed me to reach a lot of people. Promotion is expensive and that was incredible exposure for an independent artist. The only negative was the fact that I wasn't allowed to do many gigs and I had to remove most of my original music from online for a period of six months. That made finances a bit difficult, but it gave me a lot of time to write new songs which brings me to my next point.

I have always loved the idea of recording songs in a "live" setting. Having played hundreds and hundreds of shows in my life - festivals, house concerts, bars, clubs, bookstores, on the street, I find that live performances always hold a little bit of MAGIC that you can't capture when each musician records their own part alone in the studio. So, I organised some of the most talented musicians (also great friends) to get together in a studio and lay down five tracks. We rehearsed for one day in the studio, then the next day played each track three or four times through and chose our favourite! A live session, jamming on new songs and finding the magic. It was incredible and I can't wait to share these songs! It was filmed by a videographer, who will edit together a video for each song.

I would like to add these songs to my new album, "Solid Ground", which was actually ready for release last summer but due to the contract with The Voice, I had to hold off on releasing it. The new release date, with these new added tracks, will be in August 2019.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

The goal is financial, I have laid out the budget below. The project is for myself and fans of my music. I feel incredibly lucky to do what I love and I also work very hard to be able to do so. I'm so stoked to share these new songs and hope they can bring some joy to people.

Why would you support this project?

Being an independent artist is hard. Nobody pays for music anymore, but it costs a lot of money to record new music and film videos/content. I have saved some of my own money (plus I head out on tour in May so I can invest the money I make from tour). I will contribute 4000euro and it would be fantastic if I could crowdfund 8000euro. A breakdown is in the window below.

Supporting this project also means you will essentially be employing a range of other creative people. The musicians (Clemens, Jaimi, Joost, Jack and Marco), the engineer (Paul), the studio (Audioworkx) the photographer and videographers (Sico and Maxime), the mixing engineer (Huub), the Mastering engineer (Frans), the graphic designers (TVOH and John and Molly). I love the idea that by you guys pre ordering the album/new songs or choosing one of the other rewards, I can put that money back into these industries and also have some great new songs to put out into the world.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

Studio hire (two days which includes sound engineer and accomodation) 1375euro
Musicians (drums, bass, 2 x guitarists, piano) 3500euro (700euro each for the two full days)
Mixing and Editing (3 days) 1200euro
Mastering (5 songs) 500euro
Videography (two cameramen, six video edits, photography) 2300euro
Graphic Re-design and Printing 2000euro

TOTAL: 10875euro

Any further funds will go towards promotion (radio, press) of the release. As a lot of you know, the more money you have to spend on this the better! So at least 2000euro but how long is a piece of string? You can spend tens of thousands on it, so i'll just spend whatever I have left over.

Who are the people behind the project?

ME! I am behind this project! I'm the boss ;) Very lucky to work with some incredible people though:

The musicians (Clemens, Jaimi, Joost, Jack and Marco), the engineer (Paul), the studio (Audioworkx) the photographer and videographers (Sico and Maxime), the mixing engineer (Huub), the Mastering engineer (Frans), the graphic designers (TVOH and John and Molly).

Legal notice
Coby Grant - world of audio
Coby Grant
Brunnenstraße 6
57614 Fluterschen Deutschland


Presse- & Künstleragentur

Presse- & Künstleragentur

Die Agentur betreut und unterstützt verschiedene Künstler in allen Belangen des Business.

The Voice Of Germany (Staffel 8)

DIE Musikshow im deutschen Fernsehen.

GAGA Publishing

International Publishing Company in Australia

Coby Grant's New Album
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