Crowdfunding since 2010

Consent Calling - Feminist Sexshop Collective

Crowdfunding successfully finished
19,210 €

a space for education and sexpositivity in Munich

The time has come - a feminist sex store in Munich! We have desperately been missing a place in this city that realizes emancipatory ideas of sexuality and thus represents a feminist, sex-positive and queer alternative to conventiMehr anzeigen

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Funding period
20.02.22 - 17.04.22
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 14,400 €
Yeah! With your money we’ll make Munich more sex-positive. The next steps of our mission are elaborated on under the question of successful funding.
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1. Levelerreichung

Miriam Wagner
Miriam Wagner
1 min

JIPPPIIEEE, unser erstes Level ist erreicht!

Wir freuen uns wahnsinnig und danken allen, die uns bisher so zahlreich unterstützt haben. Falls ihr Interesse daran habt, was wir mit welcher erreichten Funding Summe stemmen können, schaut vorbei unter dem Punkt: “Was passiert mit dem Geld bei erfolgreicher Finanzierung?”

Wir freuen uns auf jede weitere Unterstützung!
Erzählt es weiter - Spread the word!

Consent Calling
Sexshopkollektiv München

JIPPPIIEEE, our first level is reached!

We are very happy and thank everyone who has supported us so much so far. If you are interested in what we can do with what amount of funding, check out the section: "What happens to the money after successful funding?".

We look forward to any further support!
Spread the word!

Consent Calling
Sexshopkollektiv München



Miriam Wagner
Miriam Wagner
3 min


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Juicy - queer-feminist Sexshop in Leipzig

Juicy offers carefully selected sex toys, handmade lingerie, regionally produced BDSM accessories, gender-affirming products and sex-positive art.

Bündnis für sexuelle Selbstbestimmung München

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Erogene Zone – Sexshop + Education Collective Freiburg

Erogene Zone is a queer-feminist collective working on opening a sexpositve shop, offering bodysafe products and workshops in Freiburg im Breisgau.

Fuck Yeah - Sexshopcollective Hamburg

The sex-positive, feminist sexshop in Hamburg’s Gängeviertel is open to anyone, all forms of consensual sex are respected here. A beautifully designed space with great products around sexuality, lust and bodies.

Juicy - queer-feminist Sexshop in Leipzig

Juicy offers carefully selected sex toys, handmade lingerie, regionally produced BDSM accessories, gender-affirming products and sex-positive art.

Consent Calling - Feminist Sexshop Collective
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