Crowdfunding since 2010
Mother's Cake present their debut Creation's Finest as a studio live-session at the Kulutcafé Propolis and produce and publish the concert as a video. To cover the costs of this huge project, we ask for your financial help! Thanks in advance!
Funding period
11/14/13 - 2/1/14
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
1,500 €
Movie / Video
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What is this project all about?

This project is meant to capture the current live-set of Mother's Cake as a high-quality audio-visual performance. It's more or less the conclusion of this album. The video-clip reflects the immense intensity and dense atmosphere of their show and complies with bringing Mother's Cake to your living rooms, especially to those, who are not able to attend to their live shows out of geographical separation.

The complete clip will be available to the public for free.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

Target 1:

Partial funding of the video clip

Target 2:

complete funding of the video production alone

Target 3:

complete funding

Target 4:

DVD release of the whole concert - each pledger from 15€ onwards will have one piece of it of it sent!

Target group:

Mother's Cake fans of all ages and all around the globe.

Why would you support this project?

Anybody who has seen a Mother's Cake concert knows that they concoct an immensely dense atmosphere and powerful show on stage. For all those, who can't see the band for reasons of geographical separation or of simply having no money, or those who just can't get enough of the Cake, the band wants to provide an opportunity to get the rumpus into their living rooms or onto their computers. Because this is only possible via video, we ask for your financial support!

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

The money goes right into the coverage of the costs that incur with the production of the content. This covers sound-engineering and video-production. If we reach an overfunding, we will be able to pay off the whole production and even a physical DVD.

Who are the people behind the project?

Mother's Cake is mainly responsible for the performance (MC are Jan Haußels, Yves Krismer, Benedikt Trenkwalder). The association ARGE Propolis is the host, video-producer is Stefan Krösbacher of Krost-audiovisual. Organisational work is done by Jonathan Gabler (manager of MC) and Jan Haußels.

Mother's Cake


Kulturcafé Propolis

Location and sound-engineering



Legal notice
Haußels Krismer Trenkwalder GsbR
Jan Haußels
Scheuchenstuelgasse 8
A-6020 Innsbruck Österreich

1/14/14 - Wow... fast doppelt so viele Spenden, wie...

Wow... fast doppelt so viele Spenden, wie mindestens geplant sind bis jetzt drinnen. Das ist unglaublich!Es wird jedenfalls als Dankeschön einen Bonus-Track geben, der zunächst nur exklusiv für alle Spender verfügbar sein wird.Außerdem gibt es bereits auf unserem Projekt-Blog vorab ein wunderschönes Wallpaper designt von Christoph Stiller ebenso exklusiv für unsere Supporter.Es bleiben außerdem noch 18 Tage, um unser Projekt finanziell zu unterstützen! Solltet ihr Fragen zu den Dankeschöns oder dem Projekt selbst haben, schreibt doch einfach an [email protected]... you nearly doubled the minimum funding for this project! Awesome!As a present to all supporters there will be a bonus-track, which will be available exclusively for our benefactors at first.There also is a post on our projects blog – exclusively available for our supporters – where you can find a download-link to a beautiful Wallpaper designed by Christoph Stiler. See it as a small thank-you in advance!Still 18 days left, to become a supporter! If you have questions about our rewards or the project just write to [email protected].

12/9/13 - Wahnsinn!Dass 1.500€ so schnell gehen, hätten...

Wahnsinn!Dass 1.500€ so schnell gehen, hätten wir selber nicht geglaubt! Und das Geld kam dabei von nur 30 Personen!Damit ist uns auf jeden Fall schon unglaublich geholfen, aber freilich noch nicht aller Tage Abend.Wir möchten Euch natürlich noch weiterhin Anreize bieten, für unser Projekt zu spenden. Wir haben uns mal Gedanken gemacht, was das sein könnte und wir sind uns sicher, das Passende gefunden zu haben:Beim Erreichen unseres nächsten Finanzierungsziels (3.600€) bauen wir neben der Live-Show eine zweite und komplett neue Handlungsebene in den Film ein! Thema werden Band-biografische Elemente und ein Blick auf unser Umfeld als Mother's Cake, sowohl in künstlerischer, als auch in sozialer Sicht sein. Dabei wird sicherlich viel erzählt, gelacht und geweint, aber auch gemalt, getrunken und gesungen werden.Wenn Ihr Euch für diese Idee begeistern könnt, dann spendet weiter so fleißig wie bisher!---Dammit!1.500€ so fast... We would never have guessed that! And the money came from just 30 persons!You really helped us unbelievably, but we haven't seen the end of the matter.We would like to give you further motivation to fund this project. We therefore thought up something and believe that we've found just the right thing:If we reach target 2 (3.600€), we'll build in a complete and completely new story-level into our little movie beside of the live show! We'll have some biographical elements concerning the band and a closer look on our personal environment as Mother's Cake, both creatively and socially. There will be a lot of story-telling, laughter and crying as well as painting, drinking and singing.If You are fond of the idea, fund our project as industriously as You did till now!

Mother's Cake - Creation's Finest Live Studio Session
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