Crowdfunding since 2010

The daughter of a Transylvanian Saxon traces her mother’s escape route back to Romania with her family to learn more about her roots.

I am the daughter of a Transylvanian Saxon migrant. "Transylvanian Saxons" are people of German descent whose ancestors emigrated to present-day Romania and Hungary in the 12th century. My mother was born in Romania but identifies as German. In the early 90s, my family migrated to Germany and has been living there since. In this documentary, I openly share personal conversations and research about my family’s background while accompanying my mother on a journey back to her birthplace in Romania.
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Funding period
5/31/24 - 7/14/24
Summer 2024
Funding goal: 5,000 €

The minimum amount required to produce the film is 3,300€. This sum covers the travel expenses for the crew. Anything beyond that will be used for licenses, salaries for the crew (who are currently volunteering for the project :)), and marketing.

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Primary sustainable development goal
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Launch Day
500 €

Dreh erfolgreich abgeschlossen / It's a wrap 🎬

Bianca Zylla
Bianca Zylla1 min Lesezeit

Hallo liebe Freunde,
ich freue mich euch mitteilen zu können, dass der Dreh unseres Dokumentarfilms erfolgreich beendet wurde! 🥳 Gestern sind das Team und ich nach 3 unheimlich spannenden und aufregenden Tagen aus Rumänien nach Deutschland zurückgekehrt. Jetzt geht es an die Postproduktion. Ich freue mich jetzt schon darauf, das Endergebnis mit euch zu teilen.
Ohne eure Unterstützung wäre der Dreh dieser Doku nicht möglich gewesen, also noch einmal ein herzliches Dankeschön!
Dearest friends,
I'm happy to announce that we've successfully wrapped the shoot of the documentary! 🥳 After 3 incredibly interesting and exciting days of shooting in Romania, the team and I made our way back to Germany yesterday. Now begins the post-production phase. I cannot wait to show you the finished result.
Without your support, none of this would've been possible so thank you again from the bottom of my heart!

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"Motherland." Documentary
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