Crowdfunding since 2010

The daughter of a Transylvanian Saxon traces her mother’s escape route back to Romania with her family to learn more about her roots.

I am the daughter of a Transylvanian Saxon migrant. "Transylvanian Saxons" are people of German descent whose ancestors emigrated to present-day Romania and Hungary in the 12th century. My mother was born in Romania but identifies as German. In the early 90s, my family migrated to Germany and has been living there since. In this documentary, I openly share personal conversations and research about my family’s background while accompanying my mother on a journey back to her birthplace in Romania.
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Funding period
5/31/24 - 7/14/24
Summer 2024
Funding goal: 5,000 €

The minimum amount required to produce the film is 3,300€. This sum covers the travel expenses for the crew. Anything beyond that will be used for licenses, salaries for the crew (who are currently volunteering for the project :)), and marketing.

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Primary sustainable development goal
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Launch Day
500 €

What is this project all about?

In the documentary film, Bianca, the daughter of Bärbel, a Transylvanian migrant who fled from Romania to Germany in 1989, accompanies her mother back to Romania to learn more about their family history. The film begins with a family gathering in Germany, highlighting the importance of regular reunions for the protagonist's Transylvanian family. After a conversation with Bianca's great-aunt and a stop at Nuremberg train station, where Bärbel first arrived in Germany, their joint journey finally leads back to Brașov in Romania, where Bärbel grew up. The film's climax is a large celebration in Vulcan, Bärbel's birthplace, where Transylvanian people from all over the world come together. Throughout the film, the life of Bärbel's family under Ceaușescu's dictatorship and the reasons for her escape are discussed. The significance of home is the center of the documentary.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

The aim of the film is to capture and immortalize a small piece of Transylvanian history. The key audience are young filmmakers, (descendants of) Transylvanian Saxons, and people from Transylvania, but I hope to reach everyone who is concerned with the concepts of home and belonging. The film is intended to provoke thought on what it means to be home.

Why would you support this project?

We are a team of young, passionate filmmakers who love the documentary genre. The short documentary "Motherland." is our labor of love. Our goal is not to make a profit with this film. We simply want to tell an interesting story. Your support will enable us to bring this film project to life!

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

The funds will primarily be used to cover the travel expenses of the crew. Our team consists of three core members: a director of photography, a sound mixer, and a director/producer. Since a significant portion of the film takes place abroad, the shoot involves high travel costs (flights, trains, hotels, food x 3), which we cannot manage on our own. Your donations will furthermore be used to pay for licenses for archival material: photos and videos from museums, newspapers, and news channels. Any remaining funds will be used for marketing the film and compensating the crew.

Who are the people behind the project?

My name is Bianca Zylla. I am the writer, director, and producer of the documentary film "Motherland" / "Daheim." (dt.). This documentary is very personal to me, as it tells the story of my own mother. I have a deep connection to the film's content and, of course, to the protagonist. I hope to provide a glimpse into my mother's life and share her fascinating story through this film.

Daheim. Filmcrew

What are the sustainable development goals of this project?

Primary sustainable development goal


Why does this project contribute to this goal?

The documentary addresses life under Ceaușescu's communist dictatorship in Romania. It aims to encourage dialogue, particularly between Germany and Romania, to remember history, and to honor the victims of the dictatorship. The goal is to promote democratic values.

This project also pays toward those goals

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Funding by "Verband der Siebenbürger Sachsen"

We would like to thank "Sozialwerk der Siebenbürger Sachsen" (Association for Transylvanian Saxons) for their generous support of our project and the opportunity to screen the film after its release!

Cooperation with the F.D.G.R.Bv.

After the release of the documentary, it will be shown at a screening by the Democratic Forum of Germans in Brașov. We would like to thank the F.D.G.R.Bv. for this great opportunity to showcase our film internationally.

"Film + Mediennachwuchförderung Rheinland-Pfalz" Fund

We are grateful for the generous support from the Rhineland-Palatinate Film + Media Young Talents Fund, which enables young filmmakers to turn bring their projects to life. Thank you!

Förderung durch die Heimatgemeinschaft Wolkendorf

Wir danken der Heimatgemeinschaft Wolkendorf für ihre Förderung unseres Films! Diese Unterstützung ermöglicht uns die Umsetzung unseres Drehs. Vielen Dank

"Motherland." Documentary
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