Crowdfunding since 2010

Demarcation - a worldwide, ongoing topic. Also for people in Georgia

With the movie drama we want to tell you the fate of Elene and Leo, 2 children who are directly affected by the consequences of the Russian-Georgian war. We are Buba, Klaus and Sebastian, three students of the FH-Dortmund, not only want to graduate from university with this film, but also want to point out the still ongoing, global problematic, what happens to people who are dispelled from their homeland.
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Funding period
6/17/19 - 7/28/19
August 2019 to September 2019
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 5,000 €

Yes, we can do this! - And with this amount. With that we can accomplish the project and finish the three-week filming together.

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What is this project all about?

Everywhere in the world, people have to leave their homes due to political conflicts, climate change or war. The fact that this also continues today in Georgia in the course of the Russo-Georgian war continues today is known only to a few. Our film demarkation tells the story of Elene and Leo, two children from the South Ossetian border region who lost their homes in 2012 because of the creeping border expansion by the Russian military. The film not only shows the individual fate of the two children, but also sensitises to the effects it can have on people who have to leave their homes.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

We want to use our project to inform about the consequences of geopolitical power interests and to sensitize people to the fact that many smaller countries and ethnic groups suffer under the power of large states. Because somehow it's all something to us, right?
In addition, we would like to submit the movie to film festivals worldwide after completion in order to make the topic known internationally.

Why would you support this project?

Of course, to see how the story of Elene and Leo goes on. And to find out what's happening in the Georgian border region South Ossetia today.
But even in times of fake news, filter bubble or media gatekeeping, it is worthwhile to use every opportunity to draw attention to world events in any way, of which we otherwise learn little from the media.
We want to keep our film project completely transparent and make the invisible visible - with your support, you can help make the film shoot and more people learn about the effects of the Russian-Georgian war. And knowledge, education and information are the nuts and bolts today, right?

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

In short: It allows us to realize our film and thus also a matter of the heart.
A little more detailed: Your donations flow directly into the shooting. This will take about 3 weeks and there are still some costs to be covered. Except for the fees - because not only us and the crew, but also our actors do that for free. Nevertheless, we would like to support them and finance them, for example, travel, food and accommodation. But also costs for the technology transport (such a camera must be brought from A to B) must be covered and financial expenses for location scouting, lighting equipment, costume, props and mask have to be accomplished.

Who are the people behind the project?

It all started in the first semester when we, Klaus and Sebastian, met Buba. Buba, actually called Bidzina Gogiberidze and raised in Georgia, told us stories from his homeland - a country we honestly did not know much about. He also told us about the still ongoing border shifting by the Russian military, of which we had of course never heard, but which was very shocking for us. A reason for us to want to report about it. So the idea rested - until today.
In the meantime, we've already completed three other projects and found that we can work very well together and complement each other well. Buba has the captivating stories in his head, Klaus the right sound in his ear and Sebastian the moving pictures in mind.
In order to close the circle, we want to give everything once again and let the story of Elene and Leo come true with you. Buba will direct it, Klaus will take care of the film montage and the sound design and Sebastian will do the camerawork. Now it's all up to you - help us show the world what's going on in Georgia!

Demarkation Team

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Fachhochschule Dortmund

As our university FH Dortmund is our biggest supporter in the production of the film.

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