Crowdfunding since 2010

A luxe book of documentary drawings by Suzanne Forbes. 20 years of intimate portraits made live in San Francisco & Berlin fetish clubs and drag shows.

This is your only chance to fund and purchase a book of Suzanne Forbes' art! For twenty years, Suzanne used skills developed as a tv courtroom artist to live-draw LGBTQ+ and kink community. Now at the end of her working life, Suzanne wants to preserve and share these portraits of cherished folx, many marginalized and often erased. Your 8.5"x 11" (like A4), 200+ page hardcover copy of "Demimonde" includes color and b&w drawings of SF and Berlin kinksters, drag artists, and lots of trans beloveds!
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Funding period
9/17/24 - 10/17/24
latest copies ship Spring 2025
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 9,900 €

This pays for the finished design, layout, proof-reading, print-readiness, and printing at Gorham, a top quality short run printing house.

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9/18/24 - My shipping costs added to goal! When I set...

My shipping costs added to goal! When I set the goal, I didn't know StartNext makes users include shipping in their rewards. I thought I could charge shipping separately, like kickstarter. At just 36 physical book orders, with shipping from printer to fulfillment center to buyers and then some books all the way to Berlin, then onwards elsewhere in Germany... we're already in for 1,000 euros in shipping at just 36 books. So I had to raise the goal so we don't lose even more money on this project!

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Demimonde: The Live Drawing of Suzanne Forbes
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