Crowdfunding since 2010

A luxe book of documentary drawings by Suzanne Forbes. 20 years of intimate portraits made live in San Francisco & Berlin fetish clubs and drag shows.

This is your only chance to fund and purchase a book of Suzanne Forbes' art! For twenty years, Suzanne used skills developed as a tv courtroom artist to live-draw LGBTQ+ and kink community. Now at the end of her working life, Suzanne wants to preserve and share these portraits of cherished folx, many marginalized and often erased. Your 8.5"x 11" (like A4), 200+ page hardcover copy of "Demimonde" includes color and b&w drawings of SF and Berlin kinksters, drag artists, and lots of trans beloveds!
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Funding period
9/17/24 - 10/17/24
latest copies ship Spring 2025
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 9,900 €

This pays for the finished design, layout, proof-reading, print-readiness, and printing at Gorham, a top quality short run printing house.

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What is this project all about?

Hi! I'm Suzanne, and my biggest, deepest dream has always been to have a book of my art. In twenty years of live drawing people in LGBTQ+ community, I've been able to make a historical record of people in a way a camera could never capture. Now I am too sick to work, and the book is now or never.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

The goal of the Demimonde book project is to preserve and share these portraits of kinky and creative queers, trans sex workers, drag performers, dominatrixes and burlesque beauties. I went all in on putting my art online in 2005, and for twenty years my archive of almost 3000 drawings and paintings has been available to download, use and share for free. But online spaces that support sex-positive and gender-affirming art are shrinking fast.

I'm very sick and at the end of my working life. To keep these precious portraits of beautiful humans visible, to protect these moments I shared with San Francisco and Berlin's sexy queers, we need a physical repository too.

If you love queer community, if you love leatherfolk and fetish fashion and sex workers, you want to help preserve and distribute these portraits in the real world too.

Why would you support this project?

I'm asking you to support this project because it's the only way to make a book of my art happen. It's the only way to buy a book of my art. As a former comic book artist, I have never been welcome in galleries (except Madison Young's Femina Potens!) and publishers don't want to work with a sick, fat, old queer lady. I am just barely able to do this now, and if I don't do it now, I never will. The people I have made portraits of are so beautiful. They deserve a chance at lasting visibility, and so does my art mission of two decades.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

The money being raised is to pay for the design, layout, proof-reading, print-readiness, print tech, and printing by professionals at Gorham Publishing, a very well-regarded short-run printing house in the US Pacific Northwest.

The artwork is all completed, the manuscript written, the artwork scanned at high resolution. Gorham's team will handle all the details, making sure the printing is perfect. I have already paid for preproduction work by Berlin creators and design samples by Berlin designer Maria MacDonald to guide them, and chosen fonts.

I am disabled and now no longer able to work, and my husband and I are gonna lose a lot of money on this book, not make money. I believe it's worth it, and so does he.

Who are the people behind the project?

The Demimonde Team is me, Suzanne Forbes, and my dear husband, who is a programmer and digital privacy activist. He does not like having his picture published on the internet, but I am a cute fat sick old lady and I like it fine.

Team Demimonde

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9/18/24 - My shipping costs added to goal! When I set...

My shipping costs added to goal! When I set the goal, I didn't know StartNext makes users include shipping in their rewards. I thought I could charge shipping separately, like kickstarter. At just 36 physical book orders, with shipping from printer to fulfillment center to buyers and then some books all the way to Berlin, then onwards elsewhere in Germany... we're already in for 1,000 euros in shipping at just 36 books. So I had to raise the goal so we don't lose even more money on this project!

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Demimonde: The Live Drawing of Suzanne Forbes
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