Crowdfunding since 2010

The 1st SpokenWord-album by Jessy James LaFleur! Heartfelt poems in 3 different languages, accompanied by experimental and classical music.

DOMA means "AT HOME" in Sorbian and describes a place that Jessy James LaFleur has never found and is no longer looking for; She's a paper plane that flies from one place to another and found a wharf in her poetry and activism. With her many stories she wants to create a Spoken Word album for dreamers, for poetry lovers, for nomads, activists and (r)evolutionists. In 3 different languages, accompanied by a Cello, Guitar, Bass and Piano: Spoken Word meets classic, jazz and experimental music.
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Funding period
11/10/20 - 12/31/20
2.11.2020 - 01.02.2021
Minimum amount (Start level): €
1,000 €
Audio drama
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DOMA - A home for a paper plane
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