Crowdfunding since 2010

Earth Ratings - Make Sustainability Great Again!

Crowdfunding successfully finished
15,021 €

Data-driven, sustainability focused product ratings for every consumer product: making ethical buying decisions easy and fun!!

Do you want to know if a specific sneaker creates more CO² equivalent emissions than another? What supermarket has the happiest co-workers? Which restaurant uses only renewable energy? We are making it quick and easy for you to maMehr anzeigen

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Funding period
15.05.19 - 14.06.19
5/15/2019 - 6/14/2019
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 15,000 €
Budget needed for software development of the web-application which will be mobile optimised Test our plugin and check the demo here:
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125 Supporter

Mireia Oliva Framis
Mireia Oliva Framis
2103 days ago
Adria Grau Rabassa
Adria Grau Rabassa
2103 days ago
Antoinette Fourie
Antoinette Fourie
2103 days ago
Tina Feller
Tina Feller
2103 days ago
Lisa Wahl
Lisa Wahl
2104 days ago
Stephan Albrecht
Stephan Albrecht
2104 days ago
Timo Wilken
Timo Wilken
2104 days ago
Saman Hashemian
Saman Hashemian
2104 days ago
Maya Loustan
Maya Loustan
2104 days ago
Julie Shalekenova
Julie Shalekenova
2105 days ago
Gergö Birkas
Gergö Birkas
2105 days ago
Maria Jaumandreu Ramia
Maria Jaumandreu Ramia
2105 days ago
Mildred Kehrmann
Mildred Kehrmann
2105 days ago
Stephanie Roland
Stephanie Roland
2105 days ago
Carolin Ackermann
Carolin Ackermann
2106 days ago
Lubna Rashid
Lubna Rashid
2106 days ago
Cristina Mata Yandiola
Cristina Mata Yandiola
2106 days ago
anonymous supports:  41


The Carbon Disclosure Project delivers performance data for our ratings. Trusted by Investors and with an incredibly detailed methodology, we supplement our research with their data

Rank a Brand

Rankabrand is a non-profit active in Germany and the Netherlands who provide data on consumer brands. We use some of their data to supplement our ratings, so we can remain as relevant as possible

Purpose Foundation

The Purpose Foundation ensures that businesses stay true to their purpose. We will forever be a 100% impact business because we believe in a better way to do business

The Carbon Disclosure Project delivers performance data for our ratings. Trusted by Investors and with an incredibly detailed methodology, we supplement our research with their data

Rank a Brand

Rankabrand is a non-profit active in Germany and the Netherlands who provide data on consumer brands. We use some of their data to supplement our ratings, so we can remain as relevant as possible

Earth Ratings - Make Sustainability Great Again!
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