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Effata gibt geflüchteten Menschen eine Stimme, fördert den interkulturellen Dialog und betreibt nachhaltig politische Bildung!

Die wachsende Fremdenfeindlichkeit in Deutschland und Europa verdeutlicht, wie wichtig eine offene Gesprächskultur und die friedliche Auseinandersetzung mit dem jeweils „Anderen“ sind. Wir drehen Kurzfilme über Asylsuchende — zusammen mit ihnen. Wir bilden ihre Lebenssituation ab und stärken ihre gesellschaftliche Teilhabe. Die Filme werden im Rahmen von Bildungsveranstaltungen und in Schulen gezeigt und bilden eine Grundlage, um mit Kindern und Jugendlichen ins Gespräch kommen.
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Funding period
1/7/16 - 2/29/16
2016 - 2018
Minimum amount (Start level): €
5,000 €
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English version of effata's aims and purposes - now available

Lucia Hämmerl
Lucia Hämmerl6 min Lesezeit

The growing amount of xenophobia in Germany and Europe highlights just how important an open discourse is needed to promote a peaceful debate about “the others” in our society. We are making short films about those personally seeking Asylum. We are mapping out their living situations and improving their sense of wellbeing. The films are going to be shown in educational and school events. Our goal of our idea is to create a foundation for gettting into contact with children and youth about the dangers of xenophobia.

What is our project all about?

“effata” in Aramaic means “open yourself”. The appeal of “open yourself” has become the motto of our films and education projects.

The acceptance of being open to others (or to people we don’t know) is often difficult. However, we are convinced that through more exposure to intercultural societies, a fruitful living community will be possible.

In our view, dialogue and (political) education about all walks of life are essential cornerstones to the way for a more open society.

The context of the refugee topic is difficult for many. Basic debates are being held without the viewpoint of getting to know the refugees better ourselves. This threatens the idea for finding compromises and solutions for those who want to stay. The current events in Dresden and the surrounding areas of Saxony have made it clear to us how important an open dialogue and contact with “the others” are.

Therefore, we have decided to make short films about the lives of asylum seekers and display their stories. Part of their stories are presented through health care, access to the work force, mandatory residency and every day racism, where a lot of the refugees are exposed to on an every day basis.

Effata – open yourself: in respect for the people that have fled – the asylum seekers themselves are not heard in the present debates.
What is meant for those who watch the films – you yourself should become more open with respect to your thoughts, your attitude and your opinions.

Last but not least, and given our personal fate, we are openly prepared to handle critique and resentment from our project that we could be confronted with.

We can reach children, youth and also adults through schools and specific educational events. We would like to encourage you to build your own opinion and to engage yourself in the topic. As well as for you to have more courage when approaching others, to ask them questions, to listen, to think about stereotypes, and about prejudices through our films.

What is our goal and who is our target group?

Our first wish is that through our films, the perspective of those who have fled is shown. This is of course possible when their perspectives are told through their stories.

In addition, the refugees themselves can become active in the film process. That means there is a possibility for them to provide their own view on the development of a film. Furthermore, this could mean that they could choose a comfortable location and they could support filming, light and audio. On top of that they would receive an insight on film editing programs and could take part in the entire process of film production.

Our short films will be appropriate for every age group. Our plan is to create an educational aspect for the younger generations, and that is our highest priority.

We will reach our goals in part with our planned work with clubs present on educational school days and workshops where our films could also be shown as part of the programs. We would also like to create a lesson plan related to our films and get in contact directly with teachers to have our films shown as part of the daily lesson processes. On top of that it is especially important to eliminate any false pretenses about asylum seekers and to have discussions with pupils about forming their own opinions.

We would also like to design and conceptualize our lesson plans together with refugees. For those that have not had any knowledge of the housing concept for refugees, this could be an easier way for them to understand the process and diminish any confusion or fears.

Furthermore, we would like to communicate the expansion of our films through social media and the internet, and particularly with people who share the same vision. With this in mind we can multiply the interest of our films to other open and reflective societies. Our films offer arguments based on research and facts and facilitate a sound and reflective argumentative base for discussion.

We are convinced that Project “Effata” will be an important contribution to the intercultural dialogue surrounding integration and tolerance of others in Dresden and Saxony.

Why should anyone support our project?

The future of our society is up to all of us!

Of course, the overwhelming helpfulness that we are currently experiencing at the initial reception areas and the tireless work assignments of volunteers and professional workers in the context of the refugee crisis are invaluable.

However, on top of the absolute necessary acute help, we have to invest in sustainable and long term educational projects in order to create a humane democratic climate in our society.

Currently, in Dresden and the surroundings of Saxony, there are a lack of open and peaceful discussions about people who have fled, asylum seekers, migrants and non-Germans as a whole.

Therefore, we have decided to concentrate on “effata” in Dresden as well as the surroundings of Saxony.

For everyone who calls Saxony their home and are hoping for success in integration and peaceful coexistent, our project’s purpose should make more sense:

On the one hand if we do not get involved, we give those who speak loudly with populist slogans more credit. On the other hand the failure of our society regarding lack of participation is our own prophesy.

Support “effata”:
For an open society! For humanity! For our future!

Who is behind this project?

We are a group of motivated volunteers involved with “effata”.

Frank - CEO of “3. Etage Filmproduktion” (3rd Floor Film Production). He is mainly responsible for all technical and film aspects of “effata”.

Simone – organizer in “NAMF Dresden (Netzwerk Asyl Migration Flucht)” (Network Asylum Migration Flight)

Lucia – active in “DAMF Dresden (Deutschkurse Asyl Migration Flucht)” (German courses Asylum Migration Flight)

Alina – active in “AG Asylsuchende Verein Sächsische Schweiz Osterzgebirge e.V.“ (AG Asylum seekers non-profit group for the county of Sächsische Schweiz Osterzgebirge)

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EFFATA - Filmprojekt mit Geflüchteten
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