With every euro you contribute to being able to set up the digital stage epplause.me and to give artists another possibility to generate income.
The idea: Via our digital platform "epplause.me" you can select and book artists by genre, personal taste, availability and budget. Artists of all genres can present themselves with short videos, descriptions and their fee ideas. Access to the artist is activated via a payment service, the digital live act can begin, the interactive experience begins, the artist and audience meet as if in real life, and the artist can collect his "epplause" in addition to his fee!
The difference to other forms of streaming services: viewers and artists arrange themselves for the time of the performance, a real interactive experience is created (and not a conventional one-dimensional listening / viewing streaming), because artists and audience hear and see each other , and the artist receives a fee and determines the amount himself.
With "epplause.me" we would like to give artists the opportunity to earn some income, especially in times of the Corona crisis. Many artists currently do not know how to pay their rent or how to fill their fridge.
At the same time, people are sitting at home and would be happy about an exclusive and interactive live performance, e.g. for a birthday, a girlfriend’s evening or other occasions.
Epplause.me brings you together and creates a win-win situation for everyone!
A real live experience awaits the audience, or when else could you ask an artist to play a concert as a personal gift, ask the magician to repeat the trick or during the livestream performance you ask for "we want more" ?
And what comes AFTER Corona?
The equation is simple. The more popular our digital stage "epplause.me" becomes, the more people will use it. Even after Corona. Because: WE not only want to win national artists, but also international ones. Why not book an accordion player from Paris, a magician from Budapest, a comedian from the UK or even a digerido player from Australia?
Anyone who supports our project can choose from unique thank you gifts and helps to support artists and culture locally, regionally, nationally, but also internationally. You also support the networking of creative artists and audience and become part of a matter of the heart and can get in touch with a worldwide community.
We can also issue donation receipts because we are recognized as a non-profit organization.
The money flows completely and without compromises in the programming and communication of the digital platform "epplause.me". The programming of such an Internet portal is significantly more complex and complex than a "normal" website, which is why the additional costs arise.
klick e.V. - Association for the Promotion of Culture, Encounter, Communication and Education
D- 21423 Winsen
Foundation: November 2002
Recognized institution of youth welfare
Member of ENSIS
Organization of cultural programs such as Concerts, theater, city festivals, charity events, youth education trips, international encounters, radio formats and much more.
Association to support culture, encounter, communication and educatiion
founden November 2002
Tax identification number: 50/270/02587
Register Amtsgericht Lüneburg, VR 110610
Webseite: www.klick-ev.de