Crowdfunding since 2010

archée-ensemble is recording its debut album. Dive into a world of beautiful music!

Something totally different! As a unique chamber ensemble of voice & percussion, we want to record our debut album with a yet unheard-of programme. Classical art song in a new gown. Magnificent compositions from magnificent contemporary composers. Wow, you might think, isn’t that totally crazy stuff? Can I even listen to that? We say YES! Give it a try - dive in and come with us into a whole new dimension of sound!
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Funding period
5/17/18 - 7/1/18
07/2018 und 02/2019
Minimum amount (Start level): 2,800 €

With successful funding, we will be able to cover the main expenses: payment for our sound engineer and basic production costs.

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Erste Hälfte geschafft! - First half is done!

Jenni Reineke
Jenni Reineke1 min Lesezeit

LIebe Unterstützer und Fans!
Es gibt unglaublich gute Nachrichten!!!
Wir haben gestern, am zehnten Tag unseres Crowdfundings die 50%-Hürde überschritten und freuen uns riesig!
Danke, dass ihr an Bord seid und uns helft, unseren Traum von der Debüt-CD wahr zu machen -
noch 46% fehlen bis zum ersten Fundingziel, also mit voller Kraft voraus zum Ende der zweiten Finanzierungswoche :-)

Eure Jenni und Yoana

Dear supporters and fans!
There's incredibly good news!!!
Yesterday, on day ten of our crowdfunding, we crossed the 50%-line and are super happy!
Thank you so much for being on bord and helping us, to make our dream of a debut album come true - now, only 46% of the first funding goal are missing and with full power we start into the rest of the second week of the funding phase :-)

yours, Jenni & Yoana

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escape into the beautiful
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