Crowdfunding since 2010

My 3rd Album, my lifework. 13 songs (CD & Vinyl) that move me and represent my life's stages, and a unique concert tour with the Baka Pygmies.

Building bridges between Europe and Africa has always been the essential element of my music, as well as playing with people from all over the world who are curious about their counterparts. I composed my most formative experiences and rearranged songs from my idols, a musical plea for cooperation and understanding across cultural borders. I ask for your support to realize my life's work. Of course not for free, please see my rewards and "thank-you's".
Funding period
9/10/23 - 11/12/23
20.000€ till end of October
Website & Social Media
Funding goal: 20,000 €

Das Funding-Ziel ist 20.000€ und beinhaltet Fertigstellung der Musikproduktion, alle Künstlergagen, Veröffentlichung und Promotion von CD, Vinyl und Release-Concert mit Live-Streaming, Reisekosten und Tourplanung 2024 mit Gastauftritt einer Baka-Gruppe.

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What is this project all about?

With “Express Your Life” I engross important stages in my life from my childhood in Cameroon and Niger to studying jazz singing in Berlin to concerts and workshops in Germany, France, Senegal, Cameroon and South Africa. I love bringing people together with completely different backgrounds, learning from each other and creating new things, while building bridges to other worlds.

Some songs tell of the life of the pygmies whom I visited with an ethnologist in the rainforest between Congo and Cameroon. I was particularly impressed by the Baka Pygmy people and to this day I am fascinated by their polyrhythmic and polyphonic songs. I visited them again and since then have been working on - what I call my life's work - my 3rd album and taking it on tour.
I incorporated their chants into some of my songs, which now meander through the jazzy arrangements like loops.
In addition to my own compositions, I am recording new arrangements of well-known songs from my idols.

In honor of my favorite South African singer Miriam Makeba, I sing Malaika and the famous Click Song in Khosa. Self-written songs talk about the love of life, the love for a person and the craziness that comes with it.
Some jazz standards come in a new guise; I paired Nat King Cole’s Nature Boy with a Nature Girl. Either way, it talks about love as the greatest joy in life. Curtis Mayfield's Move on up, made famous by Angélique Kidjo's interpretation, encourages us to keep getting up and keep going, to have faith, because if there is something in life that just belongs to you, you won't lose it, says Abbey Lincoln's Throw it away. Finally, I would like to thank life with a Gracias a la vida, Mercedes Sosa's cult song in a surprising arrangement, and to my parents, who gave me not only the inspiration Latin America...

My songs have been recorded with international musicians from Senegal, Mali, South Africa, Latin America and of course Germany.
For me, Express your life also means incorporating the many multi-faceted life experiences into my music and performing them with all the expressions that I have as a human being. It is a call to each of us to let his/her different talents shine.

I ask for your support to realize this large project.
Of course not for nothing, take a look at my rewards and “thank you's” and you sure find something among them for you.
But above all, of course, to bring this immense production to the stage and on tour with my intl. Musicians and a group of Baka pygmies.

Thank you very much for your support.
You can find out what you get in return and how funds are used in the project details.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

My goal is not just the release of my new album or the release concert; Above all, I want to continue my intercultural mission building artistic bridges between the worlds
and bring this project on a tour with my intl. musicians and a group of Baka pygmies living in France.

With regards to my musical style, I am addressing all people, musically at least lovers of jazz, world music, Afro pop and Latin - of course also concert locations and festivals for jazz, African and world music.

Why would you support this project?

so I can pre-finance the extensive production and promotional work and pay all of my international musicians properly
to bring another big production on stage and a concert tour (including live streaming) with my band of international musicians and a group of Baka pygmies living in France.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

Finalizing production, album release (CD, Vinyl, digital) and release-concert with LIVE-streaming, all artist fees, travel expenses musicians and singers.
A part of the expenses has been pre-financed. All rewards and "thank-you's" will be delivered to your doorstep.

With successfully achieving my crowdfunding goals, I will primarily manage the promotion of album and concerts and getting the band together in order to go on tour with a big stage production.
Amounts above the funding goal go directly to artists' fees and the organization of further workshops and work with young musical talents.

4.000€ Studio days & production
2.500€ Mixing
1.500€ Mastering
900€ Artwork
3.100€ CD/Vinyl Release & Gema
5.000€ Artists and fees
3.500€ Promotion, Marketing
2.000€ Video production
22.500€ Total

tba from Crowdfunding, CD/Vinyl and ticket sales

Who are the people behind the project?

Sonja Kandels and my wonderful round of musicians and singers

The Baka people of Massea
Issa Sow: vocals
Cordelia Loosen-Sahr: flutes
Leif Bräutigam: guitars
Alvaro Severino: acoustic guitar
Uwe Kropinski: acoustic guitar
Robert Niegl: piano, e-piano, synths, drums, sounds
Thomas Rückert: piano, rhodes
Johannes Nink: saxophone, Christian Waßong: trumpet, Tobias Metzger: trombone
Aly Keita: ballaphone
Juan Camilo Villa, Stefan Rademacher: bass
Pape Seck, Aladji Mbaye Tama, Alfonso Garrido: percussion
Christian Nink, Miguel Altamar, Pablo Saez: drums

Excerpt from: Norbert Krampf (FAZ):
Among the most prominent are certainly pianist Thomas Rückert (two albums on Pirouet, collaboration with Lee Konitz, study trips to India, Africa, North America) and the world famous balafon virtuoso Aly Keita, known in this country for his engagement with Trio Ivoire with Hans Lüdemann and Christian Thomé, with whom Kandels has previously worked. The grooves, which are often based on West African 6/8 patterns and sometimes also based on South American rhythms (such as Brazilian calypso), are mainly driven by drummer Miguel Altamar and electric bassist Juan Camilo Villa, both long-time trio partners of Marialy Pacheco. In some pieces, Aladji Mbaye Tama on the talking drum and Pape Seck on the West African congas Bougarabou set pointed accents. Guitarist Alvaro Severino, drummer Pablo Sáez and percussionist Alfonso Garrido (known from the band Heavytones) are from Chile. The diverse line-up also includes base player Stefan Rademacher (Billy Cobham) and Issa Sow, whose striking, jumpy and soaring vocal passages immediately bring to mind great vocalists from West Africa. Sonja Kandels further emphasizes that playing together is not just about virtuosity, but also about personal understanding: “[The guitarist] Leif Braut saw me on stage many years ago and bought my CD - today he plays in my band.”

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10/30/23 - Gestern war mein Album-Release-Konzert -...

Gestern war mein Album-Release-Konzert - ausverkauft vor 300 Zuschauern in Kempen.
Aufgrund einiger Nachfragen verlängere ich meine Unterstützerkampagne bis zu meinem Geburtstag :-) und ich freue mich über jeden Nachzügler und jede weitere Unterstützung.
Um das gestrige Konzert mit allen Musikern auf Tour zu bringen, fehlt uns noch etwas, aber nach dem Publikumserfolg gestern und der Resonanz in den Medien sind wir überaus optimistisch. Herzlichen Dank an euch und liebe Grüße, Sonja

EXPRESS YOUR LIFE Album&Tour - From the Pygmies to Riverside
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