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A documentary from Summer 2021 in Kabul

We are planning a documentary made from the film material shot in Kabul in summer 2021 for the "Female Voice of Afghanistan" festival. In addition, we film a protagonist where she is today and ask how she is doing now. From this current material and the many individual portraits and concerts, a contemporary testimony of the everyday life of Afghan musicians in Kabul will be created, which has not existed since the Taliban took power on August 15, 2021.
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Funding period
4/16/22 - 5/8/22
Frühling-Sommer 2022
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 4,000 €

4 Drehtage in Mai 2022, Schnitt, Postproduktion und Untertitel

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What is this project all about?

In July 2021, the ethnomusicologist Yalda Yazdani and the filmmaker Andreas Rochholl traveled to Afghanistan for four weeks to film female singers living there. At the time, nobody could have guessed that it would be the last opportunity to document the lives of these artists before the Taliban took power. The resulting 16 concert and portrait videos of the virtual festival "Female Voice of Afghanistan" have now been viewed more than 600,000 times on YouTube.
The documentary film created from all this material is intended to send a signal that the fates of these people are important to us and that we must not forget with them what their music and visions told about before the summer of 2021.
Featuring the singers: Gulshan, Freshta Farokhi, Sumaia Karimi, Sadiqa Madadgar, Naria Nour and Wajiha Rastagar

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

All people who followed the events in Afghanistan last summer and who care about the fate of Afghan women in particular.

Why would you support this project?

#don'tforgetAfghanistan - Afghanistan ist weitgehend aus den Weltnachrichten verschwunden, aber das Leben der Menschen in Afghanistan und derer, die sich immer noch auf der Flucht befinden oder in Flüchtlingscamps auf ein Asylverfahren warten, ist durch viele Umstände noch immer existentiell bedoht. Die filmischen Porträts des Festivals "Female Voice of Afghanistan" aus dem Juli 2021 sind letzte Zeugnisse eines Lebensalltags, den es so jetzt nicht mehr gibt. Die Erinnerung daran muß wach gehalten werden: aus Respekt vor diesen Schicksalen, als Quelle der Hoffnung und als Selbstvergewisserung. Mit dem Dokumentarfilm kann diese Erinnerung wach gehalten werden und der Film wird als Zeugnis der kulturellen Identität für die Weltgemeinschaft verfügbar bleiben online. Unser Dokumentarfilm "Female Voice of Iran" hat mittlerweile 493.000 Zuschauer auf YouTube weltweit gefunden und wird täglich angeschaut und kommentiert.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

With this budget, among other things, a reshoot with one of the Afghan singers appearing in the film will be realized in order to document how she is currently doing. Furthermore, the post-production is done with the final cut and subtitles are added.

Who are the people behind the project?

Yalda Yazdani, Andreas Rochholl, Sebastian Leitner -
Zeitgenössische Oper Berlin in Cooperation with CrossGeneration Media

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Female Voice of Afghanistan
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