Crowdfunding since 2010

Support the production of our debut album "Manuskript"!

For almost three years now we have been working on our debut album "Manuskript". We have selected thirteen wonderful folk pieces from old songbooks, music manuscripts, as well as some of our own compositions and have arranged and worked on them in countless rehearsals. The pandemic slowed us down too, but it didn't stop us from making this project happen. In 2021 we recorded our album professionally in a studio and it is almost finished. But now we need your support to be able to release it!
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Funding period
3/10/22 - 4/9/22
Until Summer 2022
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 2,000 €

This level covers the costs for pressing the CD. However, the overall production is many times more expensive, every additional euro serves to cover those costs

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What is this project all about?

All four of us have studied and played folk music from e.g. Ireland, Sweden, France and other countries for many years, but at some point we asked ourselves: "Do we have interesting traditional folk music like this here in Germany as well?".

This question was the starting signal for our band Fior. Together we went on a search and found what we were looking for! We discovered a real treasure of songs and tunes! Some of the pieces we unearthed had been waiting for centuries to finally be played again!
As sources, we used old songbooks, poems and manuscripts of dance musicians from the 17th to the 19th century.
After intensive rehearsals, we then wanted to go on stage in 2020 with a new concert program. Unfortunately, this plan fell victim to the pandemic, as virtually all of our concerts had to be cancelled. Therefore, we went directly to the next step: The production of an album, based on these very songs and tunes!

We chose the Artes Studio of Jürgen Treyz (e.g. Cara, Deitsch) as our recording studio, who conjured up a wonderfully lively sound for our album. We are very excited to finally share our debut album Manuskript with you!

But now we need your help, because we've been financing and working on this project completely on our own so far. There is no label, no record publisher or anything like that behind us. Only with your support can we press the album on CD and release it!

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

The goal is to create a really great album! We want to breathe new life into this music and bring it to as many people as possible.

At festivals, concerts and visits abroad we were asked again and again by the folk musicians there, if there are actually good folk tunes from Germany. For a long time we had no good answer to this question ourselves. We are all the more happy that we can now answer this question with a loud "Yes, of course there are!”. Because where music comes from doesn't really matter - there were and are great musicians and composers everywhere, so of course also here in Germany.

We are sure that our album can reach many different listeners who want to go with us on a musical voyage of discovery into a musical world that was thought to be lost to time.

Why would you support this project?

Apart from us, there are only a handful of passionate musicians who have dedicated themselves to the revival of this music. Unfortunately, so far not many people have an idea what "Deutschfolk" is and what it can sound like. With "Manuskript" we have put together a fine album that gives an insight into how modern, refreshing and stirring German folk music can sound.

If you want to help us on our mission to bring this music to more people and that this wonderful music gets the attention it deserves - then support our project and we can work on it together!

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

So far, we have covered all costs of the realization and production of the album completely by ourselves. In case of a successful financing of this project, we would use the proceeds to finance the pressing of the CD, the release of the album and the production of the crowdfunding rewards.

However, this would only cover about a third of the total cost of the album production. Should we raise more money with your help, we would use it to cover our expenses to date for the following items:

  • Recording, mixing and mastering of the album
  • Design and layout of the CD packaging and booklet
  • Photoshooting and image editing
  • Filming and editing of the music videos for “Manuskript”

Who are the people behind the project?

We are a folk band from Southern Germany, completely dedicated to modern folk. Our name "Fior" means "Four" in Old High German and is a reference to our line-up:

  • Regina Kunkel: Swedish Nyckelharpa
  • Rick Krüger: Vocals, Bagpies (German Schäferpfeife, Swedish Säckpipa), Clarinett, Tin Whistle and Concertina
  • Sebastian Elsner: Hurdy Gurdy
  • Björn Kaidel: Guitar, Swedish Nyckelharpa

After having studied folk music from other countries (especially Sweden, France and Ireland), we all felt a need to explore the melodies and lyrics from Germany and breathe some fresh air into them. We are very excited about what wonderful pieces came to light during our search! The fact that the pieces come from Germany doesn't really matter to us - it's much more important that it's great music that simply deserves to be played again!

We play medieval ballads, old folk songs and set poems to music, for example by Fontane and Eichendorff. We also play instrumental pieces: groovy jigs alternate with sensitive waltzes, traditional pieces from rediscovered German music manuscripts are interwoven with our own compositions.

During the production of Manuskript we received support from Jürgen Treyz (among others Cara, Deitsch), who recorded, mixed and mastered the album, and Bettina Zajonc, who took wonderful photos of us.

More information about us can be found here:


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Fior GbR
Björn Kaidel
Pfarrgartenweg 1/1
72119 Ammerbuch Deutschland
Fior - Manuskript
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