We all want to eat great food – food that is delicious, healthy and sustainable. The problem is that there is currently no way to tell if a dish is sustainable. So that is why we want to put the environmental footprint onto recipes thereby making it easy for everyone to make sustainable food choices.
Specifically, we want to connect recipes with environmental information in a fully functioning web-based food planning tool – greenlicious. In this food planner you will have access to heaps of delicious recipes specifically tailored to your likes and your location with their environmental impact being made fully transparent. You can change, adjust and add recipes, you can define your preferences, and you can generate a shopping list by a click of a button. And of course, you can plan your food choices at home or when you are out and about on your mobile device. Eating sustainably has never been so easy.
In the background this food planner will be working out the environmental impact of recipes by looking at as much relevant data as possible covering crucial phases of the life cycle of a recipe from the production of the ingredients to the preparation of the meal at home. Specifically, we will calculate the impact of producing ingredients, of wastage along the supply chain, of transportation and cooling systems and even of the preparation of the dish. We will even take your location and the season into account in order to model supply chains, local energy mixes, and seasonal effects. Our inputs come from scientific studies, international trade databases and high-quality environmental process databases. Our methodology will be peer-reviewed and made fully transparent.
And despite (and also because of) the enormous amount of work that goes into greenlicious, we will set-up greenlicious as a non-profit project and make it freely accessible for everyone everywhere. Because together we can make a difference.
With your support we can develop the first version of greenlicious. This first version will focus on the key functionalities of the food planner and climate change. So by supporting us you can look forward to a food planner that not only gives you lots of new delicious recipe ideas every week but also makes their carbon-footprint fully transparent and comparable. You will be able to change, adjust and add your own recipes, to define your preferences and to easily generate your shopping list. And of course, you will be able to access greenlicious from your computer as well as from your mobile device.
greenlicious is for everyone that wants to cook more sustainably. greenlicious will be non-profit and free for everyone everywhere (and available in multiple languages). If you want to get involved or have an idea for us, please shoot us an email (crowd[at]greenlicious.org).
The environmental impact of food is huge. For example: Up to 30% our your personal carbon footprint is the result of what you eat and drink, over 25% of global fish stocks are threatened with extinction, and agriculture accounts for about 90% of the use of the world’s freshwater reserves. It is high-time that we change the way we eat! Yet, right now it is hard to get accurate and actionable information on how to eat sustainably. For example, if you think that only local food is sustainable or that meat is the problem – well, it's not so simple. And organic food is only partially the answer (check our facebook page for more on these issues). Moreover, such rules of thumb are so abstract that it is often unclear how to implement them in one’s everyday life. This is why we want to develop the first food planning tool that not only provides you with lots of fantastic recipes but also makes the environmental impact fully transparent. So if you want to use greenlicious or if you simply want to support our mission to connect environmental research results with delicious recipes in a highly user-friendly way then please enter the amount you would like to contribute (top right) or select one of the cool rewards (on the right).
Over the last months we have researched countless studies, collected huge amounts of data, found solutions for numerous theoretical obstacles, fine-tuned our methodology and discussed the project with various experts. With your support we can now focus all of our time and energy into building the first version of greenlicious plus pay for a professional design of the food planner. But your support will go even further than this. By supporting our campaign and by following us on Facebook or twitter, you will enable us to attract sponsors and donors to fund the long-term operation of our non-profit organisation. So please select an option on the right and tell your friends about greenlicious and this campaign.
The idea for greenlicious was developed by Daniel Friedrich and Sven Peetz (who have been friends for over 20 years). Daniel Friedrich left his position as a postdoctoral research associate at the Berlin School of Mind and Brain three months ago to put all his focus on developing greenlicious. Daniel loves researching new topics and hates ignoring important problems. He is responsible for ensuring our data is up-to-date with the latest research and for coordinating with our partners. Sven Peetz is an IT-developer with over ten years experience and a focus on agile development. Sven loves to create knowledge by connecting the dots in complex datasets and hates bad user design. He is responsible for coding the database and the web application. Greenlicious will also be driven by strong partnerships – partnerships with academics, environmental organizations, chefs and people like you. Because above all, we hope that you and many like you will join our community to make greenlicious as vibrant and great as possible!
Do you have any questions about greenlicious? We will answer them in the startnext blog. Send your questions to crowd [at] greenlicious.org
To switch to the ENGLISH version, please select the american flag in the very top menu. If you experience any problems with the english version or get stuck at any point, please flick us an email to crowd [at] greenlicious.org and we will try to help.