Crowdfunding since 2010

My life, my roots - leave or stay?

Our project is an investigative and artistic examination of the origins of migration. It is younger and older members of the Guin ethnic group in Togo with whom we show in a joint artistic process the importance of their traditions for the cultural development of their region and social cohesion worldwide. How do people value their spiritual heritage and how do they live it in everyday life, even if they are considering leaving their homeland?
Funding period
8/3/24 - 9/12/24
16.September - 25 October 2024
Website & Social Media
Funding goal: 2,400 €

This sum is made up of
1800 Euro budget Guindua Agbo lenou
+ 290 Euro purchase and shipping costs for rewards
+ 4% administrative fees
+ 5% subsidy to the StartNext platform
+ 1% SDG funding pot

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Primary sustainable development goal


Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen

With the Artist Contacts program, the ifa strengthens international cooperation between artists and cultural practitioners from Germany and from transition and developing countries.

EkA Togo

Connecting African arts to the world - artists' collective and cultural association based in Lomé

Centre Culturel LesChangeurs

The association LesChangeurs wants to offer access to culture to the population of Agbodrafo, to develop local talents and to revitalise this village through regular and sustainable actions.

La Marie d'Anèho (Town hall in Anèho)

in the municipality of LACS 1.
Project partnership with Nuremberg.

Legal notice

9/5/24 - Das letzte Finanzierungsfenster in der...

Das letzte Finanzierungsfenster in der Hoffnung, dass noch Interessierte Menschen etwas dazugeben könnten, bevor Fei und ich nach Togo starten. Wir würden ja auch gerne Dankeschöns von dort mitbringen ;)

8/19/24 - Es ist unser erstes Crowdfunding-Unternehmen,...

Es ist unser erstes Crowdfunding-Unternehmen, und Social Media Aktivität ist eine zeitlich knapp bemessen und zugegeben noch etwas ungewohnte Disziplin, um dann auch einen guten Effekt für die Crowd-Finanzierung zu erreichen.

Guindua Agbo lenou
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