Crowdfunding since 2010

My life, my roots - leave or stay?

Our project is an investigative and artistic examination of the origins of migration. It is younger and older members of the Guin ethnic group in Togo with whom we show in a joint artistic process the importance of their traditions for the cultural development of their region and social cohesion worldwide. How do people value their spiritual heritage and how do they live it in everyday life, even if they are considering leaving their homeland?
Funding period
8/3/24 - 9/12/24
16.September - 25 October 2024
Website & Social Media
Funding goal: 2,400 €

This sum is made up of
1800 Euro budget Guindua Agbo lenou
+ 290 Euro purchase and shipping costs for rewards
+ 4% administrative fees
+ 5% subsidy to the StartNext platform
+ 1% SDG funding pot

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Primary sustainable development goal

What is this project all about?

We, Fei Zhou (media art, lives and works in Germany and China), Folly Koumouganh (photography, lives and works in Togo) and I, Meike Brackhahn (performance and film, live and work in Germany) want to realize an exhibition and performance with younger and older people in the Togolese region of Lacs, especially in the towns of Anèho and Agbodrafo. We tie in with the New Year of the Guin in southern Togo, which the locals and their diaspora ritually celebrate every year.

We artists would like to encourage reflection on the life of the people and their diaspora. We invite you to formulate epigrams about your own spiritual roots in times of migration movements in a variety of ways and with artistic impulses.

We will be organising a public discourse in the mayor's office of Aného, the seat of government for the entire Lacs region. Two academics - an anthropologist and a sociologist - as well as two representatives of the traditional religion of the Guin have been invited. Afterwards, we are planning a workshop with participants from the younger and older generations in Agbodrafo, one of the four historic communities in the region, which was once a central location for the slave trade. Together, we will realise a performance and a media exhibition.

Our ‘exposition de rue’ (street exhibition) will then travel to Agbodrafo, where it will be crowned with a concert by the local cultural centre LesChangeurs on 25 October to mark the provisional conclusion of the project.

The exhibition will return to Germany in 2025 and be shown in a number of selected municipalities in the northern region.

A documentary film will be produced at the same time using a process-orientated approach.

We will set up a YouTube channel and a Facebook group so that interested parties can join in the discussion and help shape the project.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

We are planning the exhibition opening on 16 October in Aneho with the results of the workshop week together with the photo installation by Folly about the culture and religious rites of the Guin.

A forum will be created for local people to share their own memories, views and ideas.

On our social media channels Youtube and Facebook we can create a worldwide community by inviting you to participate in this process. You can follow our video about, for example, the expert panel at the Anèho Mayor's Office, which is planned for 3 and 4 October

Your ideas and suggestions can be incorporated into the project.

The photo exhibits and videos will be shown in Germany next year. Our project will be continued as an international endeavour as a parallel story to this year's edition. Here, too, the focus will be on spiritual origins with a look at the history of Christianisation in Europe, for example. Following on from the traces of the Romanesque period in a north-east German region, the examination of the roots of the participants there will also take up and integrate the lives and perspectives of the members of the Guin who migrated to Germany.

Why would you support this project?

We deal with the global topic of migration by focussing on a specific section of a particular ethnic group.
We live together with people from different regions of the world. We often don't know what people bring with them from there. We often don't know how they have lived, what ties they have to their origins.

Our project offers an exclusive exploration of the topic of North-South relations and approaches it from a very personal angle. Through our artistic impulse we allow people to participate in an intensive process between local people.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

With your help, we can close a funding gap of 1800 euros in our low-budget Togo Project 2024. In addition, of course, there are the costs for the purchase and dispatch of the thank-you gifts and the fees for our crowdfunding.

In addition to the travel grant of 3000 euros from the Federal Foreign Office, we have our own financial resources of 4000 euros. This secures our 6-week stay in Togo. We can organise the one-week studio together with a group of 8 participants in Agbodrafo and also pay them an appropriate daily allowance for this time. The photo presentation of Folly as a mobile installation has also been secured.

Some of the following costs are not yet covered:


● Fees and travelling expenses for the invited experts
● Fee for accompanying camera recordings from a local studio

(450 euros)

Studio and exhibitions:

● Room rental at the LesChangeurs cultural centre
● Material costs
● Rental of equipment (monitor)
● Lunch catering for all participants

(1100 Euro)

Closing event with concert:

● Hire of equipment

(250 Euro)

Who are the people behind the project?

Since 2002, Folly Koumouganh and I, as the main initiators of the project, have been exploring the religious and social rituals of the Guin. During this time, we have also conducted comparative studies on economic, social and ethical life in two villages - in Séko (Togo) and in Dünsen (near Bremen) - including public discourses and interviews with contemporary witnesses.

Since 2008, Zhou Fei and I have been involved in projects with groups of people of different ages, including locals, immigrants and refugees. Our projects are dedicated to the themes of home and migration using theatre, performance and media art.

In Togo, we work together with the artists' cooperative and the EkA Togo association in Lomé, of which Folly is also a member.

Another cooperation partner in Togo is the mayor's office in Anèho, our primary exhibition and event venue.

The cultural centre LesChangeurs in Agbodrafo and its director Yao Bobby carry out participation and sustainability projects with people from the younger generation in particular in this community. Our workshop there benefits from the local network that this centre has built up over many years.

The project is supported by the ‘Artist Contacts’ programme of the Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations (IFA), which covers travel and accommodation costs.

The images on our website were created by the participating artists, with the majority coming from the series on the spiritual rites of the Guin by Folly Koumouganh.

media links:

Inauguration of the exhibition "the price of adventure" from Folly KOUMOUGANH[

Zhou Fei

Cultural Centre LesChangeurs


The Video about the New Yer´s rites in Agbodrafo from Meike Brackhahn:
Ekpan tchon tchon

Projektteam Guindua 2024

What are the sustainable development goals of this project?

Primary sustainable development goal


Why does this project contribute to this goal?

By taking a close look at traditions that have been handed down and at other cultures, we gain knowledge about the sensible use of resources. It concerns the values of social coexistence and what connects us humanly, socially and culturally, as well as what grounds us in this world. We see this as an important part of education in our artistic approach.

This project also pays toward those goals

Gender equality


Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen

With the Artist Contacts program, the ifa strengthens international cooperation between artists and cultural practitioners from Germany and from transition and developing countries.

EkA Togo

Connecting African arts to the world - artists' collective and cultural association based in Lomé

Centre Culturel LesChangeurs

The association LesChangeurs wants to offer access to culture to the population of Agbodrafo, to develop local talents and to revitalise this village through regular and sustainable actions.

La Marie d'Anèho (Town hall in Anèho)

in the municipality of LACS 1.
Project partnership with Nuremberg.

Legal notice

9/5/24 - Das letzte Finanzierungsfenster in der...

Das letzte Finanzierungsfenster in der Hoffnung, dass noch Interessierte Menschen etwas dazugeben könnten, bevor Fei und ich nach Togo starten. Wir würden ja auch gerne Dankeschöns von dort mitbringen ;)

8/19/24 - Es ist unser erstes Crowdfunding-Unternehmen,...

Es ist unser erstes Crowdfunding-Unternehmen, und Social Media Aktivität ist eine zeitlich knapp bemessen und zugegeben noch etwas ungewohnte Disziplin, um dann auch einen guten Effekt für die Crowd-Finanzierung zu erreichen.

Guindua Agbo lenou
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