Crowdfunding since 2010

a microtonal adventure

Hey! We are Rami and Freddi two microtonal musicians from Hamburg, Germany. In 2022 we want to record our debut album which will be an entirely microtonal jazz/pop album. Thank you for considering to support us!
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Funding period
12/22/21 - 2/28/22
Album release: Autumn 2022
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 15,000 €

We will spend the money on the production and the team behind it of the album. We also plan to make more music videos!

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What is this project all about?

Ever since we started to explore microtones on a theoretical basis on our YouTube Channel, it was only a question of when and not if we wanted to record a microtonal album. But why microtonal?
We believe exploring sound and especially pitch with all its possibilities is not only an inspiration for composition but also a necessary language that unites musical languages from all over the world and combines the past with the future. And that's also part of our concept: not only uniting musical ideas but also lots of awesome humans willing to be part of the microtonal revolution! Our share of it will be an album not home to a specific genre but with a jazzy/pop like sound. In addition to the album we also want to keep creating videos and educational content on our YouTube Channel. So stay tuned :)

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

Our goal is an awesome album pushing the boundaries of what was out on the popular market and in your ears!

We try to unite people listening to music for pure joy and the microtonal scene with our music.

Why would you support this project?

In order to make our dream come true we need all the support we can ask for. We want to collaborate with many people in the musical world and want to produce a top-notch album. Moreover we want to shoot music videos for certain songs. And because we like and respect all the people that will be involved in this crazy project we want to pay them as good as we can. Thats why we depend on your support so we can pay all the musicians, sound engineers, filmcrew etc.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

We will spend the money entirely on our production. The more money we will be able to generate through your generosity the more we will be able to give to the people involved. Also we could create even crazier ideas that might be too expensive yet (video and guest musicians). Basically the funding will be the budget we will work with!

Who are the people behind the project?

We are Rami Olsen and Freddi Sturm. We both studied Jazz Vocals in Hamburg. Now we want to revolutionize the musical world with all the notes that have always been out there but were maybe not played or overheard..
Check out our YouTube Channel or our Instagram for more insight in our work!

Hear Between the Lines

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Hear Between The Lines Debut Album
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