Crowdfunding since 2010
HIMMEL AUS STEIN/A SKY OF STONE is a fictional filmproject about a trip into the heart of darkness of an unselfish woman. Sigal Schaefer, a gentleness female Military doctor fights in a huge Afghan Cave against her cynical superior Dr. Borg for the life of a lethal injured child, that was shot by the soldiers themselves. Borg wants to cover up this incident and causes a disaster, which transforms the female doctor into a ruthless Samaritan.
Funding period
1/13/12 - 4/13/12
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
5,000 €
Movie / Video
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What is this project all about?

The Themes of Lies and cover-up are dominating the puplic debate in our society, because freedom and political strategies often conflicts with each other. And it will be a concrete human conflict, when you look at the people who are caught up with their individual aims in such a political strategy. Against this background it is interesting for me to tell a story about a strong woman that works in a hierarchical society of men, despite all threats, to reach a good thing. In Afghanistan, one can already argue about what is actually a good thing.
Civilian agencies have withdrawn from the country or are dependent on pacification and control of the region by armed forces, the so-called "force protection". This situation formed characters like Sigal Schaefer, who believes she can achieve something good as a military doctor, supported by the military system. A SKY OF STONE will bring the audience into this debate. What would I have done? What can be done at all?

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

SKY OF STONE is a universal story about the question of whether we can do something good without harming others. Thus, the film is aimed at anyone interested in an exciting drama. A tricky dilemma, which has its origins in all the people involved, which brings them into dangerous situations, confronts them with mysteries, and drags them deeper into the depths of their own personality.

If so it is the idealism of Sigal that triggers the disaster, or the need Dr. Borg after a trouble-free operation of his remaining service time, the procedure of press officer Fitz, who wants to deliver a thrilling story to his civilian colleague, the mistrust of refugees, or the will to destroy of the enemy, you will always have to ask yourself, whether there is a simple, clear explanation for everything, or a single "culprit".

Why would you support this project?

A SKY OF STONE is a film project that is in the planning phase. From private funds and with the support of people who are enthusiastic about the project, we have propped the project development and realization of the first pre-viz-teaser. Every euro you invest from now, every LIKE on facebook now carries to the fact that the project is getting bigger. For SKY OF STONE, a prominent cast is planned, and the more it is clear that there are many interested people, the easier actors, financiers and other film professionals say YES to A SKY OF STONE. For the first version of our Pre-Viz-teasers we have already won Christian Brückner, known as an actor and famous German dubbing voice of Robert De Niro. And the Berlin Film Production Company IMPALA has agreed to produce the film . Without broad support such successes are no longer possible in our times. Also-be there!

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

SKY OF STONE is situated in the project development. That means, until now there is a treatment, an outline of the story based on extensive research. At the moment we are working on various forms of visualization, in order to illustrate the written word vividly. It takes commitment, time and money. We want to fund with the money invested by you more video shoots, which are published in our YouTube video blog and facebook. In this way, you'll get to know the actors and their roles, the shooting locations and background information. If all goes well, we can start from the money invested by you with the realization of the first scene, from which we can then create a trailer for SKY OF STONE. The action here on startnext will be the financial cornerstone of the much more expensive movie.

How is the money used?
1500 € for video shoots (travel costs, location video, promotion)
3500 € for the realization of the first scene (pure shooting costs, equipment, etc. without salaries)
Total 5000 €

What happens in this scene, and at what locations we're shooting, you learn in the next few weeks here on startnext, in our blog.

Who are the people behind the project?

IMPALA-Film, Nathalie Arnegger und Ahmet Golbol
Henrietta Hiller v. Gaertringen, Schnitt
Jürgen Todt, Visual Art
Matthias Semmler, Buch und Regie

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