Crowdfunding since 2010


Crowdfunding successfully finished
8,333 €

An aerial acrobatic stage piece – Support us to swing the genre of the New Circus more into life!

Connected by a rope and pulley system, two protagonists move in a dynamic field of complex human relationships, where the actions of one will have consequences for the other. With the possible loss of ground under foot, real risk,Mehr anzeigen

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Funding period
18.08.17 - 17.09.17
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level)
8,000 €
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What is this project all about?

Our project is a self-produced, aerial acrobatic stage piece, which accompanies two artists in high-altitude flights and nosedives. In terms of the New Circus, the performance is not only spectacular but also intends to touch the audience on a deeper level. The title 'hochSpannung' is therefore inspired by the constant danger of falling, but also by the dynamic field of complex human relationships in which the protagonists move.

We want to create an artistiMehr anzeigen

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

The goal is to create a high-quality, emotionally moving, artistically demanding and highly expressive performance. With this piece, we would like to enrich the cultural landscape and the young genre of the New Circus.

You are the target group! Interested, cosmopolitan people who want to make a difference! Since we communicate mainly physically and hardly verbally, we address large, small, young and old without language barriers. 'hochSpannung' is intended Mehr anzeigen

Why would you support this project?

Because we want to create an innovative art piece that adds value to the cultural landscape!
New Circus is an exciting, comparatively young genre, born out of traditional circus disciplines with social-critical content. With your pledge, you send a notable message to cultural policy makers that this art form is of public interest!
With the finished piece, we aim to tour and appear at a multitude of festivals - possibly even close to your city!

Help us to enriMehr anzeigen

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

In order for us to be able to continue to work, we need you!
We have already set up a subsidy with which we can cover a part of the costs incurred. With your support, we can fully engage in the production and fund the following main cost points:

  • A freestanding areal structure
  • Material such as ropes, carabiners, pulleys, band sling and mats
  • Technology for light and sound
  • Logistics (transport of the structure, travel costs of the artists)
  • R
  • Mehr anzeigen

Who are the people behind the project?

Three creative minds, including two professional performers, and a psychologist with a great passion for dance and theater. Together we are 'in_tensegrity - association for movement arts'.

Carmen Raffaela Küster grabbed the trapeze for the first time at the age of 12 and has not lost grip since then. In addition to her work as a professional circus performer, she has a completed design studies and is currently doing her Masters degree of Movement in ChoreogMehr anzeigen


in_tensegrity - association for movement arts

The aim is to further develop the contemporary physical forms of artistic expression, especially in the acrobatic field, to make this young genre of performing arts, the new or contemporary circus, visible in the cultural world.

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