Crowdfunding since 2010

Creating a sustainable future together.

We build software that ensures that fashion functions as a cycle and that everyone has access to affordable, radically sustainable clothing. With House of All you can decide what's in fashion without any expertise. Online you can create your own style from modules. We provide the necessary knowledge, and the software helps to digitally manage production and logistics. Ideally you wear the clothes for a certain period of time instead of buying them and pay a monthly fee.
Privacy notice
Funding period
12/18/20 - 1/27/21
März 2021-Juni 2021
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 6,000 €

Yes! Enough to realise your gifts, to give the first workshops, to produce the first styles and to develop them with you.

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What is this project all about?

The concept:

The impact of the current fashion system on humans & the environment has grown immeasurably. At the same time, we get dressed every day and like to change our clothes frequently. The system is not working.

"We want fashion to become a positive part of our culture again, without a guilty conscience. "

Community Based means sharing sustainability. We involve you from the very beginning.

With a monthly contribution you get access to the Community Closet and can always use a certain selection of favourite pieces at home. If you ever like something new, you can trade them in. that's how fashion works as a cycle. Decisions about styles, trends & production are made together in different formats, knowledge & exchange are promoted.

The special thing:
The planned software makes everything much easier. Everyone can help decide what comes into fashion without specialist knowledge - Community Based Fashion goes digital.

Okay, we know that new paths have to be broken first. That's why you can get the designs to keep at first. Our favourites are already here as a special thank you.

A small overview of the effects:

  • 1 out of 6 people on earth work in the fashion industry. The majority earn less than €3/day.
  • 80 billion garments are produced annually.
  • Only 1% of all textiles are made into new textiles in a cycle.
  • Only 26% of clothing is recycled.
  • 392 million tonnes of textile waste in Germany / year.
  • 1.2 trillion t CO2 per year

Our concept of fashion:

Fashion is what you want.
Fashion is when you feel at home in it.
Fashion can be fun.
Fashion connects people.
It is strongly dependent on everything that surrounds us every day. The more we experience, the more often we change our style.

"It's time we reconnected with what surrounds us every day by actively and consciously helping to shape it."

What does sustainability mean to us?

Sustainability means keeping the balance of the entire life system Earth in equilibrium without helping ourselves in advance to the natural resources of our children. Earth before growth. If you see yourself as part of an overall structure, this is self-evident!

b]We think sustainability already in the design and design for cycles and longevity. This means in concrete terms...
We rely on materials and production:

  • organic (compostable) OVER fossil raw materials (NO microplastics)
  • local OVER global

Elaborate design pays off:

  • Easily replaceable modules PLUS removable buttons >>> withstands frequent maintenance:
  • durable OVER boring >>> customisable details, e.g. knit collar/remove hood, length, colours, pockets etc.
  • adaptable OVER 08/15
  • respect and social security OVER exploitation

By the way, we make all costs transparent because we want everyone to make an informed decision. This also helps to understand why a garment, produced according to this self-image, has a high purchase price.

This results in .
Radical sustainability. For all. (You can find out more about our values on the House of All website)

House of All supports with its work among others ff. SDGs:

  • Goal #12Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
  • Goal No 13 Take action on climate change.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

Target group

House of All is for everyone who enjoys the idea of changing fashion and at the same time wants to design a sustainable future together. House of All welcomes all people, whether you want to get involved or simply use the basic collection conveniently. Community Based Fashion thrives on diversity and adapts to the people who are part of the community, so it works the other way round for us.

Our goals

Our credo: Social justice and nature first. We prioritise the environment over growth. We want this beautiful world to be preserved and have therefore formulated strict values. For us, participation, circular economy, decentralisation and open access to knowledge are the keys to change.

Participation - We involve everyone who wants to wear our fashion. Participation creates closeness among each other and connects us with the clothes in a special way. Community is what we need in times like these.

Circular economy - In Germany, 392 thousand tonnes of textile waste are produced every year, which we can reduce through a closed cycle. It is closed because the clothes are not disposed of by you and we take care of the recycling.

Decentralisation - The supply chain of the fashion industry is very complex and currently a garment usually travels around the globe before it can be bought in Germany. Our long-term goal is to enable many House of All communities through the software. In this way, a "Community Closet" will also come to your neighbourhood, where you can pick up and drop off clothes by appointment. Then nothing will hang unloved in the wardrobe and the 1.2 trillion tonnes of CO2 per year will finally be reduced!

Open access to knowledge - Knowledge increases the more it is shared. This empowers people to live self-determined lives and to produce and act sustainably. Communities can benefit from access to the constantly growing design database and create their own House of All community.

Why would you support this project?

We think fashion can be fun and still be sustainable.
You have the opportunity to find your own individual styles and change them as the mood takes you.
Because the fast fashion system has created an industry that is responsible for 1.2 trillion tonnes of CO2, among other things, it is high time to bring about change together.

Decentralisation means breaking up the global supply chain and bringing smaller-scale production cycles closer to where the products are needed. This not only saves CO2, but also prevents terrible working conditions because mass production no longer takes place.
As part of the community, you will continue to develop the system with us. Open Source for Fashion. Community Based Fashion.

Open source means that certain knowledge is made available digitally to empower people to use it independently.
Because we make the design database accessible to people worldwide via online access, communities can be created everywhere with the help of these small production cycles, also for people who have become dependent on cheap production because Western brands have long moved their production sites to places where wages were low.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

The first funding goal is enough to realise your gifts and thus to give the first workshops, produce the first styles and then further develop them together.
If even more money is raised, we can set up the showroom with workshop, the first House of All, in Hamburg and make the collection accessible to you daily and hold workshops there. We also need money for the first rental collection, material and production. A dream would be more digitally driven machines. For example, we would like to buy a digital knitting machine to use regional yarns with.

Who are the people behind the project?

Sarah is a fashion designer and Torben designer and programmer. We met through our proximity to FabLabs, the Maker movement and Open Source and would like to use our knowledge to open up processes and contribute to the decentralisation of the very complex supply chain of fashion by means of digitality. We see the great responsibility as designers* to design things in a way that preserves our beautiful world for everyone. Our ambition is to make radically sustainable fashion affordable & accessible at the same time, while remaining uncompromisingly environmentally friendly. We are part of the Fab City movement and on the board of Fab City Hamburg e.V. In September 2020 we won the Silver Streak Award for our concept and exhibited the prototypes. This year we were Runner Up in the Culture and Creative Pilots and received the IGP for digital solutions of a non-technical nature from the Federal Ministry of Economics & Innovation.

Sarah: "If you take a closer look at nature, you will find answers to everything. It is so incredibly perfectly designed. Nothing is superfluous, but there is more than enough of everything. A cycle of things. I think clothes give us support and security, they connect people. It can be a powerful tool for change.

12+ years in the design industry
2017 own label House of Zsa - sustainable menswear
2017-today Speakers Sustainability & Fashion
2014 Foundation of Coworking Space for local fashion - a meeting place for stakeholders in fashion production Formschön. Space for design, Hamburg
2013-2019 freelancer (fashion) design
2004-2011 Stay abroad UK: Design & Project Management FMCG luxury brands Packaging/ POS/ Shop
2002-2005, 2012-2017 Study Man & Fashion, HfK Bremen, Fashion Design MA, HAW Hamburg

Torben: "My artistic works deal a lot with cooperation and social dimensions of design; in digital as well as in analogue space. House Of All offers me the opportunity to bring these interests together with my job as a developer, while at the same time doing something about one of today's biggest problems".

2019-today study MFA Design Theory on digital spaces
2017-today freelancer (web) designer with focus on user experience
2017-2018 Co-development tale:net, decentralised skill sharing platform (funded by Prototypefund, BMBF)
2015-2019 core member Kunstgruppe Spieleberatung, co-founder of the Hallo Festival and conception for the Chaos Communication Congress
2016-2019 Student assistant Computerei HFBK Hamburg
2016-2019 Participation in the Studio Experimental Design (Jesko Fezer), including public design consultancy
2014-2019 BFA free art with design focus (HFBK Hamburg)
2010-2013 Study BA Architecture (HCU Hamburg)

Supported by Hamburg Kreativ GmbH, funded by the Hamburg Department of Culture

Our sincere thanks go to Julia Mahns, Project Management; Studio iA, Social Media & Communication, Slate99 Films, Elena Stepanova ADRET ADvertising RETouching, Frivolous, Bliz Nochi, Kalb, Michel, Kate & Kai, K-Oz Gallery, Galerie Pfund & Dollar, Nicole, Meiwand, Melanie, Basti, Nicola Wels, Studio HILO, Anne Spitzer, Annika Fitz and Frances Uckermann from designxport Hamburg, IzaIza & Kay, Wibke Wagner, Das Gewächshaus Wartenau 16, Die Fliegner Schwestern, GoodGarmentCollective Berlin, Näherei Vornel Hamburg, Sam Gora, Farbfabrique Gängeviertel, FabLab Fabulous St Pauli, Family & Friends

House of All


IGP des BMWi / Förderung

Wir haben die Förderung des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Energie erhalten, mit deren Hilfe wir die Software entwickeln und testen können. Innovationsprogramms für Geschäftsmodelle und Pionierlösungen (digitale & datengetriebene Innovationen)

Hamburger Kampagnenförderung 2020

Gefördert durch die Hamburger Crowdfunding-Kampagnenförderung der HamburgKreativGesellschaft und der Behörde für Kultur und Medien der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg.

Silberstreifen Award 2020

Wir wurden neben 10 weiteren StartUps mit dem Silberstreifen Award 2020 ausgezeichent.

Legal notice
House of All UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Sarah Bürger
Perthesweg 8
20535 Hamburg Deutschland

House of All UG
GF Sarah Bürger
Perthesweg 8
20535 Hamburg

Vertretungsberechtige Geschäftsführerin: Sarah Bürger
Telefon: +49 173 8987935

EMail: [email protected]
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Hamburg

Registernummer: HRB 165355
Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer gem. § 27a UStG: beantragt
Inhaltlich Verantwortlicher gem. § 55 II RStV: Sarah Bürger (Anschrift s.o.)

1/27/21 - Liebe Community, Wir haben vor Kurzem für den...

Liebe Community,
Wir haben vor Kurzem für den Endspurt zwei Dankeschöns hinzugefügt: Ihr könnt nun auch den Regenmantel "Rainiator" als Early Bird Probemonat buchen, oder kaufen.

Liebe Grüsse, Euer House of All Team

1/12/21 - Liebe Unterstützer*Innen, Wir haben neue...

Liebe Unterstützer*Innen,
Wir haben neue Dankeschöns hinzugefügt und bestehende geändert.
NEU: Workshop Wear& Care ist nun in zwei Varianten zu haben:
(*) Style - Stilberatung und Wohlbefinden durch Kleidung. Welcher Typ bin ich, was tut mir gut? Pflege, Materialien & Nachhaltigkeit.
(*) Design - Stilberatung und Wohlbefinden durch Kleidung. Wir aaptieren die Module und passen die Kollektion nach Bedarf für die Community an.
auch je NEU: inkl 2 Teile 1 Monat lang zu Hause haben & wechseln

12/29/20 - Juhuu, wir haben ein neues Dankeschön für...

Juhuu, wir haben ein neues Dankeschön für Euch!

Ab jetzt kannst Du den Smock der Basiskollektion aus Hanf/ Leinen Gewebe als neues Libelingsteil bei Dir willkommen heißen. In unserem aktuellen Blogpost erfährst Du mehr über das Kleidungsstück; schau doch mal auf unsere Kampagnenseite - übrigens ist der Smock natürlich auch erhältlich, wenn Du Community Member wirst, als eins der Lieblingsteile für Zuhause.

House of All - Community Based Fashion
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