Crowdfunding since 2010
Ian Late and his team are currently recording a second album and need to fund its mastering, design and pressing. You can assist Ian Late by purchasing one or more of the rewards on offer, spread the word about this project and be part of a supportive community.
Funding period
12/9/13 - 2/3/14
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
2,000 €
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What is this project all about?

Hi, I am Ian Late, a Berlin singer-songwriter. At the moment I am working with my team on my new album, a 6-track EP. The expenses for the studio sessions at the Funkhaus Berlin are covered but the work is not done yet... The songs need to be mastered, the cover and the booklet need to be designed and finally the the CDs need to be pressed. All of that costs money. Therefore I need your support.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

The project goal is to put out a professional music album that can find its way in the music market and media. An album that we can be proud about and that hopefully will reach and excite many listeners with its release. We also want to win good partners (booking, promotion, publisher, media) with the new album.

Why would you support this project?

There are many reasons...
Maybe you like my songs or you like to support newcomers for which crowdfunding became very important.
Maybe you know us personally and therefore know how important your support is for us.
Or maybe you would just like to be a part of an an authentic and beautiful project and help to make it happen.
For your support you will of course get something in return. For exmaple you can receive the new EP or choose between many other individual rewards. They are listed on the right side of this page.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

If the the 2000 € can be collected the money will be used to pay the expenses for mastering the EP songs, to pay the photographer and the designer, and to pay the press shop for manufacturing the CD with its cover.

Who are the people behind the project?

The people behind the project are me as Ian Late and a professional independent team of musicians, producers etc.
I live in Berlin and work as a musician, mainly as singer-songwriter and performer (vocals, guitars). So far I worked independent from labels, publishers, manager or agencies and played shows in various countries - with or without my band.
In 2011 I recorded my debut EP (also Funkhaus Berlin) with the same team as now - two and a half years later:
Markus Abendroth (electric guitar), Benjamin Kinder (bass guitar) und Peter Thomas (drums).
What makes this line-up so special is that each of them is a professionell musician, producer and audio engineer but also a part of my band.
But this is not the whole "Ian Late team". There are also: Floryan Koerber (acoustic & bass guitar), Daniel Matias and Jan Türk (both drums), Kristin Schlodder (photo, video) and Michael Richmann (design).
If you want to know more about my team, my music and me as an artist, just follow my other pages online:

Ian Late & Team

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Ian Late - The New Album (EP)
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