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The truth put to the test: a cinematic exploration of scientific scepticism and the question, 'Could there still be life on Mars?'

Paul works as a security technician at a research station on Svalbard, a small, remote island off the coast of Norway. His lonely but orderly world is turned upside down when unfamiliar samples are set to be temporarily stored in the laboratory and a member of staff is involved in a laboratory accident. Paul is confronted with fears that draw him deeper and deeper into his own reality, far removed from any verifiable facts - and ultimately lead him to destroy everything.
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Funding period
7/11/24 - 8/26/24
September 2024-2025
Website & Social Media
Funding goal: 4,000 €

Transport costs (people and materials), motif hire, props, set design, expense allowance for actors

Movie / Video
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Primary sustainable development goal

What is this project all about?

Could there still be life on Mars? What if the first Mars rock sample crash lands and has to be temporarily stored in a laboratory, where a lone safety engineer has his own particular doubts? The film deals with two phenomena that have supposedly faded into the background again since the end of the pandemic, and yet are more topical than ever in view of the climate crisis and populism: Scientific scepticism and conspiracy myths. "In Boxes" is a chamber play in which two protagonists are confronted with their different perceptions and world views in a very confined space. Both characters interpret reality in completely different ways, but the viewer only has the perspective of the main character, who is drawn deeper and deeper into his own dark reality. "In Boxes" traces the case of a conscientious man who capitulates to the complexity of the world - and loses himself in his own reality.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

"In Boxes" is aimed at film fans in general, especially genre film fans, but also science fiction fans and of course space fans in general, who will get their money's worth here. At the same time, the film is exciting for anyone interested in the origins of conspiracy myths and science communication. It's also for anyone who wants to support the next generation of film-makers in their studies!

Why would you support this project?

The first sceptics have already positioned themselves to prevent the arrival of the Mars samples on Earth. They don't trust safety and fear contamination of the earth. Fortunately, the pandemic is over, but what it has shown us is how important the connection between science and the general public is, and that effective science communication is crucial for a stable society. "Fake facts" represent a significant hurdle and, not least, a real threat to our democracy. I believe it is essential that we summon up the courage to deal with this issue in depth, including culturally.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

However, genre films usually cannot do without elaborate set design and props, which are only rarely provided free of charge. We also shoot in special locations (e.g. hospitals, bunkers, laboratories), which involve expensive location hire because we have to shoot under supervision. Unfortunately, we can't shoot the film in Uncle Udo’s garage for free ;)

Who are the people behind the project?

My name is Johannes Walden. I studied film at Mittweida University of Applied Sciences and Media Law/Philosophy in Göttingen, and then worked for several years in aerospace science communication as a video producer in Cologne. I am currently studying for a Master's degree in Film at the FH Dortmund. During my time as a video producer, I grew particularly fond of the subject of science communication, which is why I would like to make a genre film that deals with such topics.

In Boxes - Team

What are the sustainable development goals of this project?

Primary sustainable development goal


Why does this project contribute to this goal?

Addressing science skepticism supports the SDG goals "Education" and "Health." By promoting critical thinking and scientific methods, general education is boosted. This enhances people's ability to make informed decisions and recognize misinformation. In the health sector, a better understanding of scientific principles helps increase acceptance of preventive measures, vaccination programs, and health guidelines. This leads to a healthier society and reduces the spread of diseases.

This project also pays toward those goals

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8/12/24 - Da geht noch was! Wir haben bald die Hälfte...

Da geht noch was! Wir haben bald die Hälfte geschafft, vielleicht schaffen das Projekt noch mit ein wenig mehr Zeit, zumindest die Hälfte des Finanzierungsziels zu erreichen. Tausend Dank für den bisherigen Support, ihr seid super! :)

Conspiracy theories and scientific scepticism - "In Boxes" (short film)
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