Crowdfunding since 2010

We're calling all freedom-and-equality-loving pioneers to rally together at a national Basic Income referendum

A revolutionary referendum is going to involve every Austrian citizen in the process of reimagining how and why we work. Universal Basic Income (UBI) is a simple and transformational proposal: everybody in our society will receive a standard and periodic cash payment, unconditionally, regardless of their circumstances, high enough to live a life in dignity. We can end financial poverty overnight, by exercising and strengthening our democratic rights. UBI is the game changer.
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Funding period
7/12/18 - 9/30/18
July 2018 – December 2019
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 300,000 €

This is our seed capital to get off to a flying start by funding the Congress, commission the pilot study and get the roadshow on track – to spread the message.

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What is this project all about?

We're launching an ambitious campaign to ensure that every Austrian citizen knows the facts about Basic Income, and can make the right choice to vote for democratic equality and the end of poverty. With your help, we can call for a national referendum to lead the rest of the world towards this utopian reality.

Starting with a Congress in September 2018, a pilot study and a nationwide roadshow, the campaign will gather supporters in the Forum Soziale Zukunft Österreich ("Social Future Austria") and culminate in a referendum in late 2019.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

Our goal is to ensure that the cacophony of our collective voice will eventually force a mandatory referendum in which every citizen in Austria is able to make an informed choice about establishing a Universal Basic Income in our country.

Why would you support this project?

You cannot be free alone, because freedom can only be realized as a freedom of equals. That's what UBI is all about.

Every freedom was won through political conflict. Every freedom was wrested from exhausted authorities. It triggered debates about what constitutes a democratic society and quickly transformed into one of its many cornerstones – as a fundamental right. This is true of the canon of liberal rights that characterized the 18th century, the political rights that shaped the 19th century and the social rights that followed in the last century.

It’s on us to add the next link in the chain. Let's start by unconditionally guaranteeing each other the foundations of our existence – with the Universal Basic Income.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

Our project will take place in five stages:

1. We'll start by organizing a Basic Income Congress. From September 19–21, 2018, together with people from the scientific, artistic and business communities, we'll think ahead and envision UBI in Austria and beyond.

2. Second, we'll commission a university to provide us with cutting-edge scientific analyses of various UBI financing models. What's the most promising tax scheme? Which tax sources are the most reliable and sustainable? A pilot study to be presented at the end of the year will answer these and many more questions.

3. Third, we'll tour the country in a three months roadshow. In spring 2019 our campaign will take us to all Austrian cities. Would you like to join us? Bring your friends and let's race each other around the whole of Austria!

4. Fourth, in the week long summit Forum Soziale Zukunft Österreich, we'll invite stakeholders and representatives to argue for the society we would like to live in. We believe UBI needs to become a integral part of 21st century democracy if liberal political and social rights we take for granted are to be maintained.

5. Finally, we'll call for a Universal Basic Income referendum in late 2019.

Who are the people behind the project?

Generation Grundeinkommen was founded by Helmo Pape in 2017 and is part of the Austrian UBI movement. Our campaign provides a focal point for people and initiatives committed to the idea of Basic Income. We hope promoters of freedom, democracy and equality around the world will give us their support – and make UBI their own project.

Generation Grundeinkommen Österreich


Basic Income Earth Network

Globale Organisation der Grundeinkommensbewegung. Gegründet 1986 von den Professoren Guy Standing (UK) und Philip van Parijs (BEL) ist es heute die Dachmarke für das Universal Basic Income.

Legal notice
Generation Grundeinkommen
Helmo Pape
Hamerlingplatz 8/5
1080 Wien Österreich

Verein mit Vereinsregisternummer ZVR 714591546
Umsatzsteuer ID ist ATU73274529
Obmann ist Herr Helmo Pape
Obmannstv. Herr Roberto Reuter

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