Greenland is on the way becoming a small Nordic nation. By establishing self-government (Selvstyre) from 2009 Greenland elites continue the path in an increasing independence from the Kingdom of Denmark. A development that began in the early 1970s, where a "more Greenlandic Greenland" was demanded by Greenland students who did not wanted to be "Northern Danes". This approach has been accompanied by a rapid social and cultural change. Against this background, the book project aims to explore life in the present Greenland and to answer the question, what is constantly in the life of the Inuit of Greenland and what is subject to re-interpretations and changes.
For the first time the volume brings together the scientific evidence on Greenland for a German-speaking audience. However, it is intended to be not a pure science book. The goal is to win Greenland-interested readers who want to know and understand the modern Greenland. Unlike previous research on Greenland, writing about Greenlanders is not only done by scientists from Germany, Austria or Denmark. Rather, Greenlandic researchers speak for themselves.
The book offers many exciting answers to the question of the present-day life of Greenlanders. It covers in detail for example:
Answering these questions will be in a form that allows the readers to get an idea of the current research approaches and get to know a field of research that is currently on the move.
The book project is already associated with high costs for the authors, since many of them had to let translate their texts to German. Since this book was not created in a project context, there are no financial resources available for the publication. Unfortunately, all attempts to find a foundation that promotes this book project, were without success. I often got a very positive feedback, but a funding could not be realized due to the respective foundation's purpose . This book is interdisciplinary and thematically focused, so that it can not be reconciled with conventional funding.
Therefore, there remains only the choice to realize the book at my own expense. By Budrich publisher I have found a supporter , which requires a very moderate printing costs. This startnext action I hope to achieve the refinancing of the book.
Therefore, I very much hope to be able to arouse your interest to support the project, for the first time to publish a book on the current Greenland for German-language science and interested readers.
The result is a book with about 300 pages. For the publication of the book in Budrich publishing a printing cost amount of 2,500 euros will be charged. An additional 500 euros are necessary to allow proofreading of the book. The remaining 300 euros are for delivery and packaging costs, transaction fees and a voluntary fee for Startnext. Should you support the bokk with more than the necessary 3,300 euro, an art project could be integrated or color photographs could be made in the book. Every euro will be invested in the book !!!
My name is Frank Sowa, I am a sociologist and researching since 2000 about Greenland. In my master thesis I examined the impact of globalization on the culture of the Greenlandic Inuit in my PhD-thesis I addressed the impact of the ecological discourse in a postcolonial society taking Greenland as an example.
This presented book project is an affair of the heart. After Greenlanders have repeatedly complained to me that "the world"do not know how they live today and keep the prejudices stubbornly according to which Greenlanders are living in igloos, this book is long overdue.
These authors are fixed: Maria Ackrén, Lill Rastad Bjørst, Sophie Elixhauser, Jens Heinrich, Rikke Hessellund, Wolfgang Kahlig/Jette Eistrup, Annemette Nyborg Lauritsen, Kerstin Pasda, Birgit Pauksztat, Birgit Kleist Pedersen, Frank Sowa, Verena Traeger and Ebbe Volquardsen.
All supporters my most heartfelt thanks now!
Kunst im Grönlandbuch: Mit Jørgen Trondhjem vom Danish Arctic Institute (Arktisk Institut) in Kopenhagen konnten wir einen ausgewiesenen Experten für grönländische Kunst als Autor gewinnen. Sein spannender Buchbeitrag wird lauten:
Bildende Kunst aus Grönland zwischen kultureller Repräsentation und autonomem künstlerischem Werk
Die Kontakte zur Kunstszene wurden intensiviert, so dass die Integration grönländischer Kunstwerke im Buch immer wahrscheinlicher wird.