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Help joëlle finance her debut EP "home".

Hello, I'm joëlle! I've been recording my debut EP "home" for the last four months, which will see the light of day in autumn 2022. To make sure it doesn't just remain my dream, I need your support! Making music is expensive. In return you get good karma, even better music and my eternal gratitude!
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Funding period
4/10/22 - 6/5/22
Autumn 2022
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 4,000 €


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What is this project all about?

"home" is my first EP. It consists of 6 songs that have been written over the last three years and deal with different aspects of home: Home as a place, in memories, in people, in ourselves and our bodies. My style moves between indie and pop. Often melancholic and calm, but it can also be wild sometimes.

The little album is real handwork. Together with my wonderful producer Luca, I recorded guitar, piano, percussion and drums in loving detail, sang my lyrics and composed string parts. At my side were Hannah with her angelic voice, Björn on cello and Emma on violin.

In addition to the EP, we have produced two singles that will be released in June 2022 and summer 2023 - including music videos, of course.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

The goal is to finance my first EP "home". It will be released in autumn 2022. In June 2022 there will already be a single, for which a music video is also planned.

The ideal goal is to grow, to inspire people with my music, to finally play concerts again and to work with great young artists.

My music is aimed at all age groups. It tells about my personal experiences, memories, pain, growth and friendship. My songs are my diary. And I am convinced that everyone can find a little part of themselves in my songs.

Why would you support this project?

So that mum can no longer say that music is just a hobby. So that everyone in the world with internet access can stream my music. So that I can play concerts. So that listeners at my concerts can finally take CDs home with them. So that one day, when I'm famous, you can say that you helped (joking).

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

Let's talk about money:
If the funding is successful, I can finally release my EP in autumn 2022, plan music videos and concerts and maybe even a small tour. Dream big.

The whole production is absolutely low budget and I'm incredibly grateful to all the people who have supported me up to this point with their work, for which they didn't charge a cent. Starting with my great musicians Emma, Hannah and Björn in the studio, to my photographer Miri and graphic designer Olivia, to Momo, my trusted filmmaker.

But since I'm a big advocate of fees and would like to pay all these great artists at least an expense allowance, I need your support! In return you get good music, an EP you can hold in your hands and concerts in a feel-good atmosphere. Deal?

Who are the people behind the project?

Me: joëlle. Singer/songwriter, dramaturge, director, percussionist.
I've been making music since I could walk. I play piano, guitar and all kinds of percussion instruments and am currently studying dramaturgy in Leipzig. I've been writing my own songs since 2017, and since then I've been on a few small stages, e.g. the Ballhof Café at Schauspiel Hannover, the Ost-Passage Theatre in Leipzig and the Landesmusikakademie Rheinland-Pfalz.

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6/3/22 - Hallo liebe:r Spender:in, die Kampagne neigt...

Hallo liebe:r Spender:in,
die Kampagne neigt sich dem Ende zu und ich möchte mich von ganzem Herzen für Deine Unterstützung bedanken!
Zu Deiner Info: Ich werde das Startlevel von 6000€ auf 4000€ heruntersetzen, da wir das ursprüngliche Startlevel nicht erreichen werden und sonst leider keinen Cent der Kampagne bekommen. Für mich ist die Kampagne trotzdem ein voller Erfolg - meine Musiker:innen werden ihre volle Gage bekommen!
Vielen Dank für Deine Hilfe und Dein Verständnis,
Deine joelle

joëlle: home - Die EP
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