Crowdfunding since 2010

The First Slow-Bed in the world. Regionally produced and locally sold. Now you can sleep soundly.

Kiezbett which literally translates to ‘neighbourhood bed,’ is a locally-produced wooden bed with a very strong and elegant design. Every sale supports social inclusion and local nature conservation. We are kicking-off Kiezbett in Berlin and are hoping to take it to every city!
Privacy notice
Funding period
4/15/16 - 6/13/16
After latest 2.5 months.
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
25,000 €
Social Business
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What is this project all about?

We are manufacturing the most stylish and most locally-manufactured wooden bed ever built. The wood comes from local forests in and around Berlin. The trees are felled by apprentices and pulled out of the forest by horses. A local timber mill cuts and dries the wood, while a socially-inclusive joinery workshop makes the wood into a bed. And finally the bed is packaged in recycled materials and delivered to your doorstep by bike!

About the product: The design is simple and elegant and easy to put together. Available in three different sizes (in cm: 140 x 200, 160 x 200 and 180 x 200) and assembled in about 15 minutes. Another great feature is that you can easily change the Kiezbett width, by exchanging the head and foot piece, even after your purchase.

About the process: The Kiezbett social and environmental conscious value chain is carefully orchestrated along four major steps:

1. Sourcing: The wood is sourced from local forests in and around Berlin. The trees are felled by apprentices and pulled out of the forest by horses.

2. Production: A local timber mill cuts and dries the wood, whereupon a joinery workshop, which employs people with and without disability, assembles the wood pieces into the bed.

3. Distribution: Once assembled, the bed is packaged in recycled materials and delivered to your doorstep by cargo bike.

4. Sale: With every Kiezbett sale you will be supporting small local businesses. Part of the profit will go to environmental conservation projects. For every sale of a bed four trees will be planted to support the local forestries.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

We want to offer an alternative to the beds sold by franchises, particularly those from Sweden.
Our target group is everyone who is interested in sound sleep and wants to contribute to the world in a positive way.

Why would you support this project?

To help us build, produce and sell the first Kiezbetts. And because doing so makes the economy a little bit better!

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

Successful financing will mean that we can produce the first batch of super sustainable Kiezbetts!
This would also mean that we can pay everyone involved fairly. And even finally pay the Website designer!

Who are the people behind the project?

  • die gruenstifter Steve Döschner und Jörg Schaaf
  • das LXSY-Architekten-Team Kim Le Roux und Margit Sichrovsky
  • Fabian Suwanprateep - Berater bei beyond Philanthropy



Einhorn condoms - whoop whoop

baddabing . Einhorn condoms belong to each Kiezbett. Check out the year stock! ; )

Be sure:
Kiezbett does not squeak. Let magic happen with Einhorn condoms (and Kiezbett ;))

Legal notice
kiezbett - Döschner, Le Roux, Schaaf, Sichrovsky, GbR
Steve Döschner
Lindengasse 36
90419 Nürnberg Deutschland

Kiezbett ist auf Startnext vertreten durch:

Steve Döschner
Kim Le Roux
Margit Sichrovsky
Jörg Schaaf

Telefon: +49170 8421852
E-Mail: [email protected]

Eingetragene Marke:

Das Kiezbett ist eine eigetragene Marke des Deuts

5/20/16 - Fundingschwelle 25.000 Euro: Damit können...

Fundingschwelle 25.000 Euro: Damit können wir die bereits bestellten Kiezbetten produzieren und wir können alle Dankeschöns nach dem Kampagnenende versenden.

Fundingziel in Höhe von 30.000 Euro:

Mit dem Erreichen des neuen Fundingziels können wir anfangen an einer Stoffkette in München zu arbeiten und erste Kontakte knüpfen für eine lokale Stoffkette.
Wir können einen kleinen Überschuss für alle Berliner_innen produzieren, die nach der Kampagne ein Kiezbett im shop bestellen

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