Crowdfunding since 2010
Hello KPFamily , hello , you beautiful supporter , we are the Killerpilze & we are excited and happy on the trip ZUM KP DER GUTEN HOFFNUNG (TO THE KP OF GOOD HOPE). We will soon record our next album & will take you with us on the journey . If you support us, you will not only allow us to release this album , but also get music FOR FREE in the form of a POSTKARTEN EP which we will send to you from the road. The big goal : 55,000 euros in 75 days All information below.
Privacy notice
Funding period
1/31/14 - 4/15/14
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
55,000 €
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What is this project all about?

We proved last year that with our KPFamily and our small independent record company killerpilzerecords we can turn the music world upside down . Now all of us will take the trip


What does that mean?
We are just starting to produce our new album and as we produce and manage everything ourselves with a small team and do not have the financial resources of a major record company , we need the support of YOU , our KPFamily , our listeners and fans.

Only together we can manage the trip ZUM KP DER GUTEN HOFFNUNG successfully and release the album . Every journey is more exciting the more people participate in it , get on board and accompany us to the destination. You are our driving force and we would like to have you here .

What do we need?
So we need money to produce, promote and distribute the album, as well as make videos. (You can read below where the money flows exactly!) But we don’t want this money just like that. NO!
Since we are on a journey, we will send you handwritten and personal postcards from all the places we will travel to in the coming months. This can be greetings from the studio, a HELLO from tour or notes of songs. But in addition to normal postcards and many other specials that you can buy (see on the right! ), we will send you also very special postcards ...


This means: if you and all of us together achieve our goal in 75 days, there will be the POSTKARTEN EP with new music completely for free to download for everybody who wants to have it. You can copy the songs , burn them, give them to your friends and you get this POSTKARTEN EP completely for free from us.

We also offer you EXCLUSIVE crowdfunding thank yous (see on the right) and limited packages of the album , which you can’t buy anywhere else. Only here, only now , only at startnext!
100 % of us for you!

With every purchase of our startnext – thank yous, you are helping us break the magic mark of 55,000 euros in 75 days .. Once we have reached the 100% mark , we can produce the album and yet publish it this year. In addition the EP will be released in late spring. If we don’t crack the said 100% , contrary to expectations, there certainly will be no costs for you and the money will be refunded , but you also won’t get any of the items offered and the EP can not be released.

All shipping costs are included in the prices, please keep that in mind! This can mean sometimes that people who live in Berlin for example , might pay a little more than people in, say, China. Each for everyone!

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

This goes out to YOU, member of the KPFamily .
This goes out to YOU, music lover and supporter of true indie work.
This goes out to YOU, because you like to get things that otherwise wouldn’t be available.
This goes out to YOU, because you want to hear hear hear the POSTKARTEN EP with new songs.
This goes out to YOU, because you believe in this journey ZUM KP DER GUTEN HOFFNUNG and like to be part of it.
This goes out to YOU, because you believe in a music business , in which you can hear music without a big label , without rules , without limit and in poor quality music. A business in which we can also set signs . Only US, YOU and MUSIC .

The goal is

55,000 EURO fifty-five thousand EURO!

For this money we can finance the entire ZUM KP DER GUTEN HOFFNUNG album campaign and therefore give you in return the POSTKARTEN EP, our music for free for downloading and free to spread and many more Thanks exclusive.

Why would you support this project?

You always wanted us to play a concert at your home?
You’re in the mood to party and want Jo and Fabi to bartend or dj?
You think you can still learn something in a guitar lessons with Mäx ?
You are at every concert anyway, but you want to be on the guestlist FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE aka GOLDEN TICKETS ?
A download link for an album isn’t enough for you and you would like the special edition with fancy box , t-shirt , calendar , USB stick and an exclusive photo book?

If you support us, you can find these and many other ideas only here at !

We are sure that the KPFamily is greater than any numbers and hurdles. Last year has proved this to us. With your contribution you will help to get the thing that unites us - the music - on the direct way , without detours , personally and right away from US to YOU and thus ZUM KP DER GUTEN HOFFNUNG.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

Producing an album also means to first invest a lot of money before the album, this total work of art, this thing with which we deal long time, can be bought in the store, from iTunes or Spotify or in our shop :

First there is the PRODUCTION in the studio and the MAKING of the album :

Producer + Studio : 9000 €
Mixing engineer : 2500 €
Mastering : 3500 €
Catering / accommodation / travel / expenses : 1500 €
Additional musicians (eg brass , choir ): 2000 €
Pressing of the album : 1700 €
GEMA royalities: 2500 €
Artwork : 1000 €

Next thing is the PROMOTION and PUBLICITY of the album :

Photos : 500 EUR
Homepage: 600 EUR
Radio Promotion: 4600 €
Online Promotion : 3100 €
Press Promotion: 3300 €
3 Music Videos: 3 x 5000 EUR

In the end there are yet the cost for PACKAGING and SHIPPING :

Postage for the - supporters: 3000 €
startnext goodies production: 1200 €

100% of the funding goes directly into the campaign of the album.

Who are the people behind the project?

We, that is Jo (24) , Fabi (21) and Mäx (25 ) of the Killerpilze, are in this project together with every single supporter on We know that we have an incredible fan base, the KPFamily . Also we welcome everyone who appreciates our work, who is enthusiastic about the project and wants to be part of it. Together with you we will manage it : ZUM KP DER GUTEN HOFFNUNG!


The crowdfunding project has been successfully completed. Supporting and ordering is no longer available on Startnext.

  • The processing of orders placed will be handled directly by the project owners according to the stated delivery time.

  • The production and delivery is the responsibility of the project owners themselves.

  • Cancellations and returns are subject to the terms and conditions of the respective project owner.

  • Revocations and cancellations via Startnext are no longer possible.

What does this mean? 
Legal notice
Killerpilze GbR
vertreten durch südpolmusic GmbH München
Gabelsberger Strasse 51
80333 München Deutschland

HRB 136096 - Registergericht München

3/31/14 - KPFAMILY! Wir haben jetzt 46.000 Euro geknackt...

KPFAMILY! Wir haben jetzt 46.000 Euro geknackt und noch 14 TAGE sind verbleibend! Bitte checkt, ob eure PayPal-Konten gedeckt sind, falls ihr mit PayPal bezahlen wollt. Wer sich jetzt extra noch ein PayPal-Konto anlegen will, muss schauen, dass es bald passiert, da die ganze Installation einige Tage in Anspruch nehmen kann.Wer auf Nummer sicher gehen möchte, zahlt ab sofort per Überweisung bzw. Vorkasse! VIELEN DANK FÜR EUREN SUPPORT!

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