Crowdfunding since 2010
HOW ABOUT HAVING A FASCINATION OF MIND will be an eight-part feature-length documentary about our discovery and deeper investigation of some of the most lovely weird phenomena of South-Korean everyday life culture.
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Funding period
5/4/15 - 6/3/15
June 2016
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
10,000 €
Movie / Video
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What is this project all about?

HOW ABOUT HAVING A FASCINATION OF MIND will be an eight-part feature-length documentary about our discovery and deeper investigation of some of the most lovely weird phenomena of South-Korean everyday life culture. We want to share with you our two months exploration - from the Korean beauty obsession with small faces to an omnipresence of poop in modern Korean society.

And we will show you how these eight phenomena can change our all lifestyle:

Part 1: The Small Face Obsession: If you want to be pretty in Korea, you need to get a small face. There is plastic surgery or really painful massages to get your face physically smaller. But why do Koreans want to have a small face so urgently?
Part 2: Korea's Sleep to Go: There’re a lot of sleeping Koreans on the subway, in classrooms, in boutiques, on their office desks, in streetfood shops. What does this sleeping-in-public culture show us about Korean society? And how can we learn to sleep anywhere anytime like Koreans?
Part 3: The Well-Known Secret of DVD Bangs: DVD Bangs are small rooms for private movie screenings with a slightly dirty reputation as lovers come here to do what they can't do at their parent's house. What do DVD Bangs show us about the Korean conception of private and public space?
Part 4: The Coin Fun Effect: Everywhere in Korea you will find a coin machine for having intense short time fun. Wacking moles for 30 seconds, singing two karaoke songs on the train, playing baseball against a machine for five minutes. How does all the coin fun affect one's perception of life?
Part 5: Obey to Me, I'm Cute!: Everything you should obey to is cutified in Korea. Outside police stations you will find cute police officer cartoon characters to welcome you. In Europe you could never cutify the police, the authority to obey to. How come it works in Korea?
Part 6: The Power of Repitition: In Korea, you hear repitition everywhere. If you tell your Korean friends that it's raining, it will echoe back 'it's raining. It's raining' until the last one on the table repeated it. What magic communication effect does this culture of repeating have?
Part 7: The Contagion of Ppeppero Day: In Korea, every month has a special day: White Day, Black Day, Kiss Day. The weirdest is Ppeppero Day. On this special day Koreans buy chocolate sticks called Ppeppero for friends and loved ones. About 50% of Ppeppero's annual sales are made on this single day! Would Germans play along if Haribo announced one big Gummy Bear Day?
Part 8: The Omnipresence of Poop: In Korea, poop is adorable and omnipresent. A shooting star is a 'pooping star' ' and dreaming of poop gets you lucky.. Could it make us more easy-going if we took a leaf out of the Korean book in terms of poop?

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

HOW ABOUT HAVING A FASCINATION OF MIND will be a feature length documentary with a mixture of animation and actual footage split into eight different parts. You can watch them seperately or alltogether in a row.

Our movie is for curious people from any country who don't know Korea at all. It is for Koreans who are interested in foreigner's views on their culture, it is for Non-Koreans living in Korea and everyday wondering about all the riddles that Korean culture gives them. It is for Non-Korean cititizens with Korean background who want to get deeper into their background country. Our movie is for anyone from anywhere in the world who loves exploring the depth of culture differences through the little weird details of everyday life.

HOW ABOUT HAVING A FASCINATION OF MIND will take you on a journey into the hidden corners of our freshly built up mind-map, our web of insights that we wove while our two months of living and researching in Korea.

Why would you support this project?

You can't wait to discover a deep relationship between cute poop, soft ice cream and hard lives? You have a big longing to hear why DVD Bangs are the 'dark space' of Korean culture where conservatives are behaving progressive and progressive people are behaving conservative? You feel the urgent need to find out why chocolate sticks can keep a relationship alive on November 11th? We understand you. If you support our project you enable us to share our insights with you.

If you support HOW ABOUT HAVING A FASCINATION OF MIND you will enter the depth of culture through the fun door of every day life details. This unique project helps us to take off our glasses created by our own culture and try out other glasses.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

Last year, we went to Korea to shoot HOW ABOUT HAVING A FASCINATION OF MIND. Now, we need money to make a film out of the footage.

Koreans and Non-Koreans based in Korea took us behind the curtain of happily unhappy Korean lifestyle. They taught us that even super heroes drool when they are sleeping and that the Korean conception of space might be the key to all those riddles, even the small face obsession. We would love to put all those mindblowing interpretations into animations for you. You could be the one who blows life into what we found out.

We need 10.000 Euros to pay animation artists, editors, sounddesigners and Korean-German musicians to get the first three parts (of eight) of HOW ABOUT HAVING A FASCINATION OF MIND done:

  • Part 1: The Small Face Obsession
  • Part 3: The Well-Known Secret of DVD Bangs
  • Part 8: The Omnipresence of Poop

If we gain more than 10.000 Euros, you enable us to finish the other parts from 'The Contagion of Ppeppero Day' to 'Korea's Seep To Go' too. If we don't gain more than 10.000 Euros, we will definitely finish the other five parts but would need to find further funding.

If you support our project you will get a personal login for the crowdfunded parts after completion.

Who are the people behind the project?

Katti Jisuk Seo: I am Katti, German and Korean, from and based in Berlin. I am a creative story consultant, writer and filmmaker and my mom's home country Korea is my second home. Or at least I have a great longing for it to be my second home. But when Korea gives me riddles my second home flips away like a slippery soap. This project gives my stomach butterflies as I am grabbing the soap again and maybe I can even steal a slice from it before it slips away again.
More about me:

Finnja Willner: I am Finnja, based in Berlin. I am a visual anthropologist and filmmaker. I met Katti at filmArche, Europe's largest self-guided filmschool, and when she invited me to grab my camera and get on a plane to discover cutified police men, lucky poop dreams and brutal face massages in Korea, I absolutely jumped on board. I quietly envied Katti for having two homes because I don't even have one as I have lived in so many places but never settled anywhere. Eventually, the Korean Bang culture changed my view. They don’t only have DVD Bangs - they have plenty more 24h Bangs (Korean for ‘room’) for bathing, singing, meetings etc. You can find a private room at any time everywhere in Korea what gives you the feeling that the whole country is a living room. The Korean way to turn public into private space really inspired me to develop a more flexible idea of what to call home anyway.

Feel free to contact us: [email protected]

Korea Fascination

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