Crowdfunding since 2010
This year you can celebrate your birthday or BBQ without carrying large garbage bags to the trash can the next morning. Our disposable plates made from naturally fallen leaves are fully decomposed into humus after 3 months and won’t rot for 1000 years as ordinary plastic plates would do.
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Funding period
5/27/13 - 8/8/13
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
15,000 €
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What is this project all about?

It is about making sustainable disposable plates out of palm leaves.
The leaves grow, naturally fall to the ground, get collected, cleaned, and pressed into their final shape. The leaves used are a waste product from nut farming.

With a beautiful, natural and innovative product we want to combine modern throwaway lifestyle with principles of sustainability.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

Our goal is nothing less than to avoid the use of plastic plates and plastic coated paper plates and thus save tons of unnecessary garbage.

It is the right dish for EVERYBODY who consumes food on something other than the tradidtional porcellain plate.
We invite all eco sensititive consumers to join us for the purpose of ‘ a greener living’ and use sustainable plates for their BBQs, Parties, Picknicks and „to go“ meals.

Why would you support this project?

Your support goes into something good and valuable. Together we can initiate a change of paradigm within the throwaway culture.
With your support you help us rediscover a fine and fully sustainable way of consuming without affecting nature.
Or better, this is the renaissance of the old principle of borrowing goods from the planet and giving it back into the eco cycle without delay.
Furthermore we create fair jobs and thus a better living standard in rural India, where people need it the most.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

We already invested lots of time, money and commitment into the project.
With 15.000 € we will buy new leaves in order to have our first container produced and shipped to Germany.

Who are the people behind the project?

I am Claudio and I am originally an Industrial- and Graphic-Designer. After my studies at the university of Bolzano I left to work several years in Hong Kong .

It was in Hong Kong, where I encountered for the first time the old Indian technique to press plates out of palm leaves. I was right away amazed by the beauty and simplicity of the principle.
How many cubic meters of rubbish that we could save every day by avoiding plastic packaging. The latter not only consumes oil in production but also contaminates the oceans and will rot in 1000 years only.
I figured out the huge impact this leaf concept could have in reducing our daily amount of litter.

Obsessed with this vision, I traveled to India in order to find someone who actually works with this technique. I found a small manufacturer that agreed to produce in a sustainable way and accept our support to match western standards in hygiene and fair work conditions.
With a lot of efforts I then built a brand that could sustain in a western economy like Germany and would have the strength and impact to really change our paradigm of food packaging.
And LEEF was born.


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7/5/13 - ++ breaking news breaking news breaking news...

++ breaking news breaking news breaking news ++Liebe Unterstützer_innen, Fans und Freund_innen von Leef,Wir bedanken uns ganz herzlich für all Euren Support und die großartige Aufmerksamkeit, die Leef während der vergangenen 40 Tage von Euch auf startnext erhalten hat. Wir freuen uns sehr über 2.747 Euro von 89 Unterstützer_innen, die in uns und unser Projekt investiert haben.Um unser Ziel zu erreichen, den ersten richtigen Container zu produzieren und nach Deutschland zu bringen, haben wir jetzt die Chance bekommen, unsere Kampagne um 30 Tage zu verlängern.Startnext hat uns grünes Licht gegeben, den ersten fair produzierten Blattteller nach Deutschland zu holen! Also nochmals posten, posten und erzählen bis zum 8. August!Wir haben bereits erste Samples hier, aber ohne die Finanzierung unserer ersten Produktion werden wir nicht weiter machen können.Also gehen wir mit großem Zuspruch aus unserer Fangemeinde und mit ungebrochener Motivation in die zweite Runde.Mit diesen Strategien werden wir die Kampagne weiter vorantreiben: Wir machen nicht nur in den Printmedien, sondern auch im Fernsehen auf Leef aufmerksamWir mobilisieren nicht nur deutschlandweit, sondern auch weltweit UnterstützerUnsere neu gedruckten Sticker und Flyer werden Berlins Wände - und Hände - zierenUnd das könnt Ihr tun um unsere Crowdfunding-Kampagne zu unterstützen:Teilt die Kampagne auf facebook:ängt Poster in eurer Stadt auf! In Bioläden, an Stromkästen und Litfaßsäulen. Schickt eine email an [email protected] und wir schicken euch das Poster zum Ausdrucken!Berliner! kommt am Samstag, den 13. Juli in den Bio-Aktiv-Markt von Elke & Gerd Eberle am Kottbusser Damm. Helft uns bei der Promoaktion und beim Flyer verteilen!Dankeschön für eure Unterstützung und go-for-green!!!

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