Crowdfunding since 2010

Music interpreted through dance, instead of 'simply another music video'.

For the last few months I've been working on my EP. Now I want to create music videos. I want to capture the special magic that happens when music and dance work perfectly together. When they tell a story together and build upon each other, intertwining and blurring into one another. Visual storytelling through emotion and movement.
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Funding period
4/9/21 - 5/8/21
May - end of 2021
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 7,000 €

With this budget, you are helping me create the first music video.

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What is this project all about?


I am Maika. I am a musician, singer and songwriter (incidentally, also a plant fanatic). I am an independent artist, so I don't have some big record label backing me. Which, of course, means that last year, as for so many others, everything went tits up.

Covid came along

So then all the momentum I had built up in February of last year was gone. Just poof. But I didn't let myself get discouraged and, instead of the planned live concerts, I finally recorded my own music. It turned out to be an EP, a short album with a total of 4 songs, and when I sat down after the recordings and thought about what to do next, music videos seemed the logical step.

Ok, music videos, but not just any?

I'm a storyteller and I put a lot of emphasis on creating songs that really resonate with people. It's really important to me, that what I'm trying to say actually reaches you. Because I've also been dancing for 5 years, I had the idea of combining the two. Music and dance. Dance brings in another layer of interpretation and connects so much power and emotion with the music. And isn't that infinitely beautiful? I think so. Too beautiful not to do it. Too beautiful to be allowed to live only in my head.

The catch

Unfortunately, music videos are not only very time consuming, but also very costly. There is a lot that goes into the finished video, from the location, to the dancers to the camera crew and the editing. After pouring my last funds into the production of the first video, so that you can see an example of my concept, the advent of Covid has meant that all of my resources are now utterly depleted.
As long as we artists are falling through the gaps in the net, we have to rely on you, our crowd, our people.

My dancers & camera crew.

Through these videos, I want to make not just an 'accessory' for my songs, but something that goes deeper. Something that helps others in the cultural industry. I want to be able to pay my team properly, so that there is a spark of hope again, after this year of darkness.

Have a look at the first video here!


That's why I'm here, asking for your help. I'll bring the music and thank-yous, my dancers and camera crew will have work, and you can enjoy it all when it's done (and definitely get some sneak-peaks too)!

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

Target group is everyone who:

  • likes a bit more melancholic pop (English)
  • likes lyrical dance / jazz dance or just dance :)
  • is already a Maika fan - duh!
  • likes music that stands out from the mainstream and is produced to a high standard
  • likes music that evokes strong emotions
  • likes Sia's videos
  • likes to see stupid faces on Instagram

Why would you support this project?

At this time, it is immensely important to support new cultural projects so that we don't come to a standstill. Live music is no longer possible and the lion's share of our income has literally dried up overnight. And this has been a continuous situation for over a year now. Support schemes here in Germany are often not a solution for the self-employed either, as they are designed for businesses.

Right now, crowdfunding is really one of the best ways to support artists. I can feed myself somehow, but I can only start a new project and push my own music forward through this platform!

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

With 7,000€ I can shoot the first music video, pay for dancers, photos & artwork, CDs, posters, postcards and some marketing.
It always sounds like such an unbelievable amount of money, but it is distributed very quickly to everyone involved. I myself (Maika) earn nothing from the whole project.

With 18,000€ I can make two more music videos, one for each song on the EP.

Who are the people behind the project?

Maika Rose

Frizzi Fiedler (Choreographin)

Lea Bostelmann (Fotografin)

Ben Alm
Ella Knickrehm
Hannah Bruns
Alea Hagedorn
Vanessa Konzok
Christina Kruse
Carolin Büchele
Leonie Odensass

Maika Rose

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Music Videos With A Twist! Lyrical Dance - Maika Rose EP
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