Crowdfunding since 2010

Pädagogisch wertvolles Streaming für Kinder ab 3 Jahren

MIRI TV is a streaming site that offers educationally appropriate content for children 3+. Featuring narrative films, documentaries and tutorials, Miri TV creates videos that support the child's development and presents a holistic alternative to mainstream children's entertainment.
Funding period
8/4/22 - 9/30/22
End of September 2022
Minimum amount (Start level): 4,000 €

Mit dem gesammelten Geld werden die Entwicklung der Apps und der Website finanziert. Zusätzliches Geld fließt in die Produktion weiterer Videos für Miri TV

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Primary sustainable development goal

What is this project all about?

Today’s online media landscape is not child-safe.
Ads, auto-play and unwanted suggestions are hard to avoid. On top of this, studies have linked commercial children's series to common developmental issues including concentration disorders, memory disorders and developmental delay.
Fast paced cartoons with quick cuts, and intense color palettes, overstimulate children's brains during crucial developmental stages.
It is undeniable that digital media has become a fixed component of our lives and therefore, a part of our children’s. While we strongly advocate decreasing screen time, we know that strict prohibition is not a viable solution. Instead, a healthy and conscious alternative is needed!
A safe, ad free streaming site that's content is created and vetted by trained educators. All videos featured on MIRI TV fulfil the following list of requirements written by a pediatrician.
Through a subscription, parents and children gain access to a media library with a wide range of videos appropriate for children ages 3+.
The formats include two categories:
Fairy tales, stories, documentaries, infotainment, puppet shows and animations.
Interactive videos:
Music, body percussion, hand-clapping games, crafts and more.
All of this and much more you'll be able to access on our Miri Tv streaming site by the end of September.
The website will be available for IOS, android and on web browsers.
Thank you for your support to make this dream a reality,
your Miri Team!

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

Or goal is to raise awareness of the the hazards of today's media landscape for children, as well as to offer a safe, and inspiring solution. We will create an online space, where parents can trust the content that they let their children watch there. This means that that the child's screen time will not only be safe, but may also support their cognitive, as well as physical development.

This project is for all parents (or soon to be), who care about what their kids consume during screen time.

Why would you support this project?

Throughout our project's journey, we have come to see that the theme of safe children's content affects many more people than we could have possibly imagined. Time, and time again, we have heard the complaint that there are no alternatives to mainstream children's entertainment.
We ask for support from not just parents of young children but from all humans who wish for there to be meaningful entertainment for future generations.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

Safe content is important, but equally important is a safe online space for it to be watched in. Our young viewers need to be able to access our videos without being exposed to ads, auto-play or unwanted suggestions.
That's why we are trying to raise money for the programming of an App available to both IOS and Android where children can enjoy our videos in a protected online space.

Who are the people behind the project?

Zita Fuxjäger, MA
CEO, Pedagogical Director
As a trained Waldorf teacher, Zita is responsible for making sure that our content meets the high standards of being educationally valuable. Through her many years of experience with children, she has witnessed the negative effects of mainstream entertainment and is passionate to make a change.

Claire Coleman, BA
CEO, Head of Prodction
Claire is a trained kindergarten teacher and also a video artist. Now she can finally bring her two passions together in overseeing the production of our videos. It's her creative and inspired vision that creates the magic at Miri TV.

Till Bönninghausen
Marketing, Communication
Till, himself coming from a Waldorf school, was always exposed to alternative types of education. Trained in sales in marketing, he is responsible for the communication at Miri TV.

William Tolson
Director of Photography
William in the third teacher on the team, but also a professional videographer. Through his years of experience working in primary schools, he has seen the problems that TV causes and gained a lot of understanding for what educationally valuable means. This makes him truly the perfect person for the job.

Legal notice
Miri TV GmbH
Zita Fuxjäger
Haberwaldgasse 25a
8047 Hart bei Graz Österreich
USt-IdNr.: ATU78228268

9/13/22 - Gute Nachrichten: Wir haben die Apps und die...

Gute Nachrichten: Wir haben die Apps und die Programmierung der Plattform bereits fertig! Somit steht dem Start von Miri TV am 30. September (finanziell) nichts mehr im Wege! Die eingesammelten Beiträge werden wir nun für die Produktion weiterer, toller Videos, Zubehör für unsere Puppenspiele und die Finanzierung neuer, externer Inhalte aufwenden.

Vielen Dank für eure Unterstützung und bis ganz bald,
Alles Liebe,
Euer Team Miri

Miri TV
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