Crowdfunding since 2010

We are Morlas Memoria from Dresden. We want to release our second album into the world in 2017! In doing so we need your help!

After our first record and several concerts we now want to unleash our second one into the world. We offer a unique composition of metal and orchestral elements which features both thriving bursts as well as calm sounds. Furthermore the voice of our lead singer Leandra is a highlight that sets a new standard for „metal with classical singing“.
Funding period
11/22/16 - 1/29/17
May 2017
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
5,000 €
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What is this project all about?

We want to produce an album that only consists of original songs with the ambition to set new standards in symphonic metal. We're going out of our way to create a truly great opus.

Theme of our album will be „The Neverending Story“ from Michael Ende. We create a proper soundtrack for the less known but nonetheless equally important sections of the book.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

Our goal is to even out the production costs. Therefore we adress anyone who feels that music is more than just an entourage during a drive.

Why would you support this project?

Our new record contains amazingly great songs that will carry away every listener. In addition to catchy and phenomenal melodies all of the songs will be arranged in such a profound way that they will not wear off, even after listening to them multiple times.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

We will put a big smile on the faces of our creditors.

Who are the people behind the project?

The whole band Morlas Memoria as well as several assistants stand behind the album production.

Morlas Memoria are:

Leandra Johne – Vocals and Lyrics

Theo Johne – Composer, Guitar, Vocals

Florian Baum – Arranger, Guitar, Vocals

Sebastian Leibe – Bass

Oliver Kunze – Synthesizer, Keyboard, Piano

Samuel Clauß – Drums

Eric Neufeld - Technique and samples

Morlas Memoria

Legal notice
Morlas Memoria GbR
Theo Johne
Eisenacher Str. 7
01309 Dresden Deutschland

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Morlas Memoria - The new album
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