Crowdfunding since 2010
Dear supporter, we want to record our second CD. Ten new songs want to be heard by you. Since we are an independent band, we organize everything on our own. Every part of our project, including studio, sound engineer, pressing, design and promotion, requires loads of time and money. Now you come into play: Support this project, if you like individualistic music that touches you and sounds like being on the road.
Funding period
11/13/12 - 2/12/13
Minimum amount (Start level): €
6,000 €
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What is this project all about?

Production and promotion of the second album of the band "Traveler's Diary".

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

For your ears:

Our aim is to record our music in the best possible quality and to produce it according to our
expectations. The result will present our songs in all their colors.

For your eyes:

The quality of the cover and booklet design is also important to us. As you know, you eat with your

For all:

The result will be manufactured by a pressing plant and then promoted, so that the songs can be
played by a lot of CD players, playlists and radio stations.

For you:

Our music is aimed at everyone who is bored with the songs in the charts which mostly sound the

You like music which gets under your skin? Then help us to turn up the heat!

Why would you support this project?

You should support our project,

...'cause you're a dreamer too - and you need the right music for dreaming.
...'cause you like songs which ask questions.
...'cause you like the combination of vocals, piano, guitar, double bass and drums.
...'cause our debut album is older than two years, so we need a new one!
...'cause you need a soundtrack for your next journey.
...'cause you like music with climaxes and tension.
...'cause we haven‘t got a major label behind us. So, we depend on ourselves ... and on you!


...'cause our music will do you good! :-)

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

We guarantee, that every cent will directly be used for the realization of the project.

This implies:

-sound engineer, (recording, editing, mixing, mastering)
-external guest musicians
-manufacturing in a pressing plant
-cover and booklet design
-release tour booking
-promotion through media
-design and manufacturing of the merchandising products like bags and postcards.
-shipping for the rewards

Additional information:

1. Paypal is a payment method which demands an additional charge from us. Therefore we would
like you to use paypal only in case of an international transaction. When you are ordering from
Germany, there is a good option to open an account with Fidorbank and pay via FidorPay – it is
absolutely free for you and you get 5 Euro credit for opening an account which you can invest in our
project. :-)

2. At the moment we cannot tell you exactly when the CD will be ready. Amongst other things, it
depends on how fast we will gather the needed sum. The official release and the release tour are
planned for fall 2013. Our startnext supporters will get the CD before the release, if it will be finished

Who are the people behind the project?

That's us: Sanni, Daniel and Fiete. Instead of our press release which can be read on our website
anyway, everyone of us has written something personal.

Sanni (vocals, piano, guitar, songwriting)

"Hi, I'm Sanni, also known as "Die Stadtmusikantin". I was born in Berlin, that's why I like the chaos as
well as the silence. Someday I will live on a farm together with some friends, have my own studio and
practicing room, where I can invite other musicians to jam and record new ideas. From time to time I

will go to the city to play concerts and make party.

I think that can be heard in my songs: they live on loading and unloading.

At the moment I live in Dresden - a perfect dose of sensation here, I think. There are bars in the
district Neustadt, private parties in the Hechtviertel, the river Elbe for never ending cycle tours, the
forest called Heide for jogging and the pleasure grounds in Alaunpark for relaxing.

I'm idealist. I order my food from biological farms of the region and write lyrics which either touch
your heart or could be named "the occupy song of the year".

I like people with humor and those who dare to be honest."

Daniel (double bass)

"My name is Daniel Vargas. One parent of mine is German, the other Colombian. Therefore my
surname is Spanish. But anyone who just sees me walking on the street won't realize it. In contrast to
my siblings, I look more similar to my mother than to my father.

My origin gives an idea of the fact that my family is spread over different parts of the world, as if
to say: “We are everywhere.” So, it's nice to have my friends around. What I like most is just sitting
together in the evening with one or two of my friends and talking to them. About me, about them,
about everything under the sun. Simply enjoying the evening with a good wine. Usually!

At the moment the wine is always a tasty juice or a soft drink. 11 months ago I decided not to drink
any alcoholic drinks for one year. Now there are only two months left. By now, I already look forward
to my first good wine with a couple of friends or during a concert. :)"

Fiete (drums)

"Hi! My name: Fiete. My profession: drummer. Or even my vocation? I don't want and I’m not even
able to imagine anything else. It is a hard road and this it what makes it interesting for me.

Having met Sanni four years ago was a revelation. Finally someone who had the same thoughts
about music like me.

I gain a lot from making music together with Sanni and Daniel. Nothing else then their view on my
ideas from outside could have pushed my playing to what it is now. "Maybe try this“, "Could you try
to let it sound like that?"“ – And every time I sit there and think: "It has to be possible somehow!"
That motivates me, it spurs me on. To pass on this enthusiasm for music to you makes me happy and
keeps me going."

Traveler's Diary

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Traveler's Diary - Album/CD (recording,production,pressing,cover,promotion)
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