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A project for those who don’t want to have their future organised by others, but who want to tackle it - explore NEW TERRITORY - cooperation future

This book brings together 20 co-authors from Germany, Italy and England. They find clear words for the humanitarian catastrophe happening in the Mediterranean Sea and in our minds. Survivors, captain, ship doctor, machinist, activists and support networks in Italy, artists, sociologists and politicians, each one of them has a message for us. The book is an brutally honest wake up call. It was already published in german. Now I want to spread it further and translate it in Italian and English.
Funding period
9/2/17 - 10/12/17
10.2017 - 11.2017
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 9,000 €

Das Buch wird ins Italienische übersetzt, korrigiert und in Italien vertrieben.

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What is this project all about?

In May 2016 I was part of the NGO (SEA-WATCH) driven Search and Rescue operations before the Libyan cost. We rescued hundreds of lives and had recover some of the drowned - some of them infants. Out of this experience the wish evolved to speak out, not only with my voice but with the voices of many people. Therefore lots of different people were asked to participate in this project. The book was already self-published in german. Now it needs to be translated into Italian and English to be accessible for a greater community.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

People who don't want to be near bystanders, but want to get an understanding. Students, adults, people of all generations all over Europe.
Also people who are not confronted with the situation on a daily basis, as well as political decision makers further away from the Mediterranean Sea should be made aware and should not be able to avoid getting an honest picture of what is going on around them.

Why would you support this project?

The book overcomes common descriptions of past situations or analyses of the current situation. It is an appeal to the reader to work with the book. It encourages him to do so through its liveliness and power. It shows up an alternativ to the role of an passiv observer. The reader gets into contact with the writers and there approaches. He is offered the opportunity to tackle the topic not from the outside but from the core of the matter. Europe must not be able to say “we didn't know”. We don't want to wait for decisions from the institutions of power with its parts, lobbyists and parliaments. They are not the ones needed on the ground. The call is for action - not discussion.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

The money is being used for the urgently needed translation of the book into Italian and English and correction of the texts. As well as printing and publishing it.

Who are the people behind the project?

- the co-authors with hearts and minds: Anas, Andreas - Kuno Richter, Andrej Hunko, Angela Mallamaci, Barbara Held, Brendan Woodhouse, Burkhard Blienert, Carola Rackete, Caterina Canale, Daniel A, Daniel W., Emmanuel Mbolela, Fabio Siclari, Ingo Werth, Intervista, Janek, Jasper Kiepe, Katja Kipping, Olaf Bernau, Waltraud and Reimund Teigeler, Werner Ruf, Rudolf Bauer, Thomas Barkowski and Martin Kolek (author and publisher).


Arno Klönne Auszeichung

in Anerkennung für Leistungen für soziale Gerechtigkeit, Frieden und Antimilitarismus und gegen Rechts, Paderborn 2016

Seenotrettung im Mittelmeer und Europa

Alle Menschen sind gleich an Rechten
an Land wie auf See
- Horizonte öffnen

Auslandsgesellschaft NRW; Evang.- Luth. Kirche Nord; Bayr Sem f Pol.

Menschenrechte und Solidarität
an Land

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Legal notice
Martin Kolek
Johannes-Wellenstraße 11
33129 Delbrück Deutschland

Telefon / Telefax
05250 938 548

New TERRITORY - ENABLE the future
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