Crowdfunding since 2010

Ntombi-Langa radio project creates a dynamic platform for investigating issues affecting women in South Sahara Africa broadcasting from Bremen

A radio is Africa’s sucessful means of commuication in urban and rural communities. Nine out of ten households have a radio that cuts across barriers of illiteracy, lack of internet, no access to television, and out of reach of newspapers. A radio has become a means of rapid dissemination of crucial information to rural communities dominated by women and girl-children. The choice of radio project is informed by the need to transform lives of women in South Sahara Africa.
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Funding period
7/1/21 - 11/15/21
November 2021
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 3,600 €

Mit dem Geld wird Radiolizenz, Business Plan, Erstaussstattung der Radiostation, Mietung Räume für 2 Monate, und Kosten für die Dankeschöns verwendert.

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What is this project all about?

Our crown funding campaign is a means to generate capital to set up a radio station that will broadcast women-specific educational themes related to South-Sahara Africa (SSA), broadcasting from Bremen.
In rural settings, listening to a radio is the most important source of information for the exchange of a variety of knowledge on education, health, poverty elimination, and diverse gender-sensitive themes and climate change.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

The aims and objectives of this radio project are as follows:
-to strengthen the social position of women and girls and to establish a reliable platform for women in South Sahara Africa.
-the programmes are intended to provide information on health care: Covid-19, HIV/AIDS, protection against unwanted pregnancies and other chronic diseases.
-encourage women to fight for jender justice and human rights, and the right to self-determination on girl-circumcision.
-provide information on economic opportunities and gender equality.
-through the radio project, women and journalists from different countries can share their experiences and stories to promote the much desired transformation in gender roles and gender equality.
-The news about African women and selected programmes on women and girls will be broadcast to all countries in the SSA and can also be received globally.
-Recipients and programm producers are women, but men are also addressed and participate too.
-Africa's future is female because 70% of poverty in Africa is experienced by women. Therefore the themes about poverty reduction and elimination should be the main focus of Ntombi-Langa radio programmes.
-The radio will make special contributions for women and girls: a forum for women, a platform for women, where gender-sensitive themes are openly discussed. -successful women's programmes are emphasized as they aim to strengthen the role-model position of women and girl-children.
--through experience we know how much role the radio in SSA can play and the impact in communities it can have.
"Let the woman have a chance to voice her mind, give the woman a platform to share what she has."

Why would you support this project?

"Assist us so that we can help ourselves" is our appeal. The radio project is an absolute joker and unique for several reasons:
-Traditions and cultures challenge women and girls in South Sahara Africa to live and reach their potential. -However, the radio assists to change the narrative that women are subordinates of men.
-Ntombi-Langa radio platform gives rural women communities the opportunity to learn to determine their own lives. 70% of women in SSA countries live in extreme poverty and economic dependence on patriarchal structures.
-A radio is a platform where information will be shared on how to eradicate and eliminate poverty.
-Migration: Ntombi-Langa radio is a platform that will inform young women about the dangers of migration. -Dozens of women have perished in the Sahara Desert. -Some of them have been captured and sold as slaves in North -African Slave markets.
-Information is necessary to alert women about the dangers of migration: information on radio can reach out to millions of young women and keep them out of imminent danger.
- Nine out of ten households in the participating countries have a radio.
- Important information is possible through the culture of listening, information is shared and exchanged in societies.
-Women from diverse societies bring their experiences to light through radio, can articulate transformations in traditional gender roles and gender equality.
-The radio acts on different levels as an engine with the aim of realizing societal transformations.
-Larger marginalized societies in rural areas can only be reached by radio.
-The Ntombi-Langa radio provides a forum for discussions by female journalists from different countries. They can network and exchange information on gender-sensitive themes.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

The required capital shall be use in purchasing the following:
Completion of a business plan in German and English = 2000: 00 Euros
Purchase of Radiolicence = 10,000:00Euros
Radio Equipments = 10,000:00 Euros
Rentals for two months = 900:00 Euros-
-Dankeschöns = 3,339:00 Euros
-Provision/Startnext 7% = 3,000:00 Euro

Who are the people behind the project?

"Ntombi Langa" is the name of the Radioproject and Nomazulu Thata will run the project as a social enterprise here in Bremen.

Julia Buschmann will compliment her imput by working together with women in countries in the South Sahara Africa by producing podcats for the radio. She is a Filmaker by profession and political activist.

Nqobizitha Thata will be useful in the project because of his strong English language background. He will be translating most of the collected podcasts from Africa: working closely together with Journalists who will do the radio presentations in different languages.

Female journalists shall be recruited to give the project a professional presentation of intended themes.

Ntombi Langa Radio Project für SSA

The crowdfunding project has been successfully completed. Supporting and ordering is no longer available on Startnext.

  • The processing of orders placed will be handled directly by the project owners according to the stated delivery time.

  • The production and delivery is the responsibility of the project owners themselves.

  • Cancellations and returns are subject to the terms and conditions of the respective project owner.

  • Revocations and cancellations via Startnext are no longer possible.

What does this mean? 
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Ntombi Langa Radio Projekt
Nomazulu Thata
Lehmhorsterstrasse 17
28779 Bremen Deutschland


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Ntombi-Langa Radio for South Sahara Africa
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