In our history we have survived a few difficult times, from moving to a new location three times to the total destruction of the club by water damage in 2012.
With no income but expenses of over 10.000 € each month, this Corona Pandemic is to big, even for us.
"First out and last in". We have been the first to close our business and we will most probably be the last to reopen again.
Our goal is to save the NY.Club – Munich’s only Club for the LGBTQ+ community.
We are asking our dear guests, friends and fans for help.
Even though we are kind of an “outsider” in the club scene of Munich, we are very popular and well known all over the world. We have won “Best Club in Munich 2019” at the Munich Nightlife Awards. Our Friday party LUXUSPOP has been voted best party in Munich a few times.
As a safe place for over 4 decades we have helped thousands with their “coming out”. Many have found their love and a relationship thanks to us.
With this money, our reserves and private deposits we hope to start again without being too indebted after this crisis.
Every Euro counts.
The wonderful team of NY.Club and LUXUSPOP party. We fight for our and your beloved NY.Club.
Together we can do it.
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