Crowdfunding since 2010
Open House Theatre Company is a new English-speaking theatre in Vienna. As our first production, we would like to bring you "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens, continuing the much-loved tradition of the now-closed International Theatre. Please support us so that we may soon welcome you as our guests when we tell the timeless story of Ebenezer Scrooge and the ghosts of Christmas...
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Funding period
10/2/12 - 11/10/12
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
3,980 €
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What is this project all about?

Open House Theatre Company is a new English-speaking theatre in Vienna. It was founded by an international team of young professionals as a successor-organisation of the now-closed International Theatre, Vienna. The International Theatre was best known for it's annual production of "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens, which became a much-loved tradition for many people in Vienna, without which Christmas just wouldn't quite seem complete...
We at Open House Theatre Company want to carry on this tradition and tell you the timeless story of Ebenezer Scrooge and the ghosts of Christmas in a new adaptation!

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

It is our desire to instil once again, a love for the theatre. To get every single member of our audience engaged in a story that is being told right in front of them, and for them! We believe that good theatre is appreciated by audiences of all ages, and we want to ignite a love of the stage, the written, and the spoken word in the next generation of theatre goers. This is why we at Open House Theatre Company want to produce great theatre. Because no matter who your target audience is, if done right, nobody gets left behind!

Why would you support this project?

We have in the last few months built this new company, found our venue, and are in the last stages of being able to bring you a show which makes Christmas time complete for so many of Vienna’s residents.
We have already received some very generous donations to go towards putting on this show. So far we have raised around €15.000 through private sponsors. Which is fantastic!
But unfortunately not enough.
With the costs of hiring the theatre, rehearsals, and advertising et cetera, we are still short of our target. We are asking for your combined generosity to help us raise a further €3,980 which would then enable us to bring you this production.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

If we manage to raise the 3.980 Euros we need by the 10th of November, we will be able to welcome you all to "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens from the 03. - 23. of December 2012 at Theater im Café Prückel, Biberstarße 2, in Vienna's first district. And if this production is a success, it is our aim to follow it up with an entire season of high quality English theatre!

Who are the people behind the project?

Eric Lomas, executive director

Eric has been working as an actor for over ten years and, more recently, has changed sides and focussed on his work as a director. To date, he has directed over 20 productions, ranging from light-hearted comedies to the great plays by Shakespeare.
At Open House, Eric is Head of the Artistic Management Office and deals with all aspects of production. This includes finding the right theatre for each show, casting the actors, making sure the production is well-advertised and also directing some of the shows. In his role as Executive Director of Open House, he represents the company to the general public.

Alan Burgon, artistic director

After graduating from the 'Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama' (recently renamed 'Royal Conservatoire of Scotland'), Alan began his professional career as a member of Scotland's last remaining permanent ensemble: The renowned 'Dundee Rep Theatre'. Since moving to Vienna he has worked for 'Vienna's English Theatre', 'Vienna Theatre Project', and extensively for the 'International Theatre'. He has also been, and continues to be, involved in multiple film projects with various groups based both in and outside of Europe.
In his capacity of Artistic Director, Alan is responsible for the planning of each season, selecting plays and finding the right mixture between classic and modern texts. He is also involved in the casting process, the implementation of our children's and school's programmes and works as an actor and director.

Paul Elsbacher, finance manager

Despite his years, Paul has had a varied career, working for such companies such as Telekom Austria AG, Comparex AG and is currently assistant to the management at KBS Kleider Bauer Betriebs-GmbH. He is also studying International Economics in Vienna and has gathered experience working abroad.
At Open House, Paul is our Key Accountant and acts as producer of our productions. He liases with our corporate and private sponsors and, during times of performances, works as Front of House Manager.

Julia C. Thorne, educational manager

Julia is a bilingual actress. Since graduating from drama school in Hamburg, she has worked both in English and in German theatre. She first came to Vienna in 2012, when she spent a delightful four months playing Sheila Birling in "An Inspector Calls" at the International Theatre.
At Open House, Julia will be responsible for staging the annual children's show, working on the educational program and will be acting in some of the main house shows.

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Open House Theatre Company, Verein für Theaterproduktion
Paul Elsbacher
Döblinger Hauptstraße 33A
1190 Wien Österreich
"A Christmas Carol" at Open House Theatre Company, Vienna
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