With the first funding goal we are financing the CD-production, the artwork, the distribution, a small promo package as well as the fabrication of your rewards.
The music production of our new album is almost finished and the release is planned for mid 2021. But there is still a lot of work to do. Your support will be used completely for the artwork, video productions, CD and merch fabrication, distribution, as well as several promo activities in collaboration with our management and artist service label Dr. Music Promotion.
You will be getting 11 brand new bombastic OVERSENSE -tracks with modern metal sound and a total album length of 54 minutes.
The goal is to fund our above-mentioned expenses for the album with your support. 2020 was a rough year for musicians and music lovers; especially because of that we decided that it is time to bring you fresh music.
This is why we are approaching all of our loyal fans and everyone, who wants to support authentic music created with passion.
You will be getting 11 new songs, in which we put a lot of effort, and hard work into over the last two years . As a young, independant metal band the working on new songs and music are our greatest passions, which is why it is our deepest concern to professionally market and distribute our new music and deliver you the best possible result.
Since we cannot cover the costs for this complete package, especially now, on our own, we rely on your support and thank you very much for your support!
Because we can not fund all these expenses alone - given the current situation - we are relying on your support.
Your money goes into the following services:
Only if we reach our crowdfunding goals your supporting contributions will be taken – You are on the safe side!
Behind this project are we, the band OVERSENSE.
The band consists of Danny Meyer (Vocals/Guitar), Jasmin 'Jassy' Pabst (Guitar), Marco 'Vau' Volpert (Bass) und Patrick Lippert (Drums).
Furthermore we are supported by our partners Dr. Music Promotion and the following artists:
For more information check out our Social Media: