Crowdfunding since 2010
Fans of 1960s/70s cinema may know my documentaries about Sam Peckinpah (PASSION & POETRY - THE BALLAD OF SAM PECKINPAH). Yet my first film was a roadmovie, inspired by a meeting with Robert Rodriguez. It was shot silent on film (Super 16) in 1998. I financed the project myself, but the postproduction was analog and due to the lack of money below standard. Soon afterwards I started with my Peckinpah projects, going on for 13 years now. Now I finally want to re-work PENDECHOS! for Blu-ray / DVD.
Funding period
11/6/14 - 1/18/15
2015, maximal 2016
Minimum amount (Start level): €
9,800 €
Movie / Video
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What is this project all about?

My feature PENDECHOS! was premiered in 1999 in a very rough version. Dubbed at the local TV-station without professionals, the final dialogue track wasn't good enough for a wider distribution. Shortly afterwards I got in contact with many Peckinpah-actors such as James Coburn, Kris Kristofferson and Ernest Borgnine and I then immediately started a row of Peckinpah-related projects, my feature-length dokumentary PASSION & POETRY -THE BALLAD OF SAM PECKINPAH, many DVD & blu-ray co-productions, retrospectives and book publications on Peckinpah & Steve McQueen.
With the technical possiblities of our time I now think it's time to completely re-work PENDECHOS! and release in on DVD & Blu-ray. To achieve that a lot of work is needed, creating costs I can't cover myself: First a HD transfer of the 5 hours Super-16mm raw footage (the negative was never edited, I edited on BetaCam in 1999), creating a new cut & dialogue / soundtrack version, the rating board, production of supplements and of course the DVD / Blu-ray production...

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

The Film was shot on Super-16 mm film which has the modern 'Flatscreen' aspect ratio of approx. 1:1,75. Therefore a new HD transfer would make a lot of sense now. The old 1999 version was edited on Beta-Cam video, analog... The quality was OK in the 90s, now it dated. The dubbing was poor as well, since funds had been running out (shooting on film is expensive).

If you love movies and adventurous independent film projects, please support us!! With today's technology we can breath new Life into this rare undertaking (not many feature films have been shot on Super 16 for less than 30,000.-) and release it on DVD & Blu-ray! (German & English version of course).

From an artistic point of view I'd love to find out what I have learned in te last 15 years :). After all my second film PASSION & POETRY - THE BALLAD OF SAM PECKINPAH was critically acclaimed, it played on international film festivals and was also sold to TV (also available on DVD as is my othe documentary OPEL GT - DRIVING THE DREAM).

Why would you support this project?

PENDECHOS! was a rather unique project here in Germany. In 1996 I had met up with film maker Robert Rodriguez who was in town for the premiere of FROM DUSK TILL DAWN. I was in pre-production for a 35mm short film I wanted to make for DM 10,000.- ($5000.-). Robert talked me out of it and told me in detail how he had made EL MARIACHI in 1992 forr $7,000.-. I decided to try the same here: shoot silent on 16mm, some. 4 - 6 hours of footage, transfer the negative to Video and cut the film (without paying for it of course) at the local TV station. And that's what I did.I bought a 1970 16mm Bolex Camera, which a friend re-built to Super 16!
It was a big adventure. We only paid for gasoline, blank ammunition, movie blood and one sugar glass bottle.
It was a project born out of passion for film making. With the same passion I know when to breath new life into the film. Back then I ran out of money to give to film a proper postproduction, which was all done analogue anyway..
We already mad a HD test, it looks great!
I think DVD / Blu-ray sales will be fine, the project was quite well covered here where I live, I know press people and cinema owners. So we're gonna have a premiere & screenings to promote the DVD / Blu-ray-release once all the work is done. It was quite an undertaking to make a film on celluloid for less than $20,000.-. A lot of enthusiastic friends supported it while we made the film and it finally deserves a proper release I feel. With all the technology available now. Please support this project as well :).

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

- The first step will be the HD transfer of the 16mm film negative - 5 hours, all the footage we shot. The negative was never edited 'on film', but was transferred to BetaCam in 1998 and edited on (analog) video. I have valuable contacts in the film industry and will get a very good price for this transfer.
- Next is editing a new version in HD (Sound & Vision). Here my contacts will also help, regarding editing facilities and visual post-production..
- The next steps require a certain investment: a new dubbing with professional actors. Then we need music and the rating of the German rating board.
- Once the film is ready for distribution I will produce a lot of supplements, documentaries, audio-commentaries in German and English.
- Now we have to produce the Blu-ray / DVD. A dear friend of mine already aggred to co-produce, he is one of Germany's top people when it comes to authoring, menues, artwork.. Perfect!
- Finally the DVD / Blu-ray, the final product (Combo maybe?). Again we will get a very good price thanks to our contacts. It will depend on the final budget whether we will produce a media-book, a Blu-ray/DVD combo or a digi-pak..

Who are the people behind the project?

(Producer / Director Mike Siegel - also on

Mike Siegel was born in 1967 in Sindelfingen, Germany. As a little boy, Siegel grew up at the local movie theatre where he watched more than 3000 films and he soon started collecting movie memorabilia. His early experiences with film making came through small jobs on the sets of his former neighbour Roland Emmerich’s first four science-fiction movies. In 1992 Siegel moved to Munich where he studied film making and made his first documentaries. 1997 marked a turning point: He met US film maker Robert Rodriguez (EL MARIACHI, SIN CITY) who encouraged Siegel to shoot his $10.000 feature film debut PENDECHOS! on 16mm. Like Rodriguez, Siegel does all the jobs himself: Producing, directing, writing, photography and editing.

In 2000 Siegel co-organizes a Sam Peckinpah festival in Padua, Italy. It includes the most complete retrospective to date and an exhibition of the director’s life and films. Attending guest stars like James Coburn and Ali MacGraw agree to be part of a feature-length documentary Siegel plans on the director’s life. Starring Ernest Borgnine, Kris Kristofferson and Senta Berger, PASSION & POETRY - THE BALLAD SAM PECKINPAH starts shooting in 2003 in Mexico, Los Angeles, London & Berlin.

In December 2003 Mike Siegel’s accompanying photo-book on Peckinpah is published in Germany: PASSION & POETRY - SAM PECKINPAH IN PICTURES. The film PASSION & POETRY premieres at the 2005 Munich Film Festival. After several screenings at international film festivals the film is released as a 2-disc special edition DVD in 2009.

In 2004 Siegel started producing supplements for DVD releases of classic films and has already made a dozen documentaries on Italian Directors Sergio Sollima, Ferdinando Baldi, German actor Mario Adorf as well as many documentaries and featurettes for DVD / Blu-ray releases of Sam Peckinpah films, the first being a featurette for the long expected Sony DVD of the restored MAJOR DUNDEE (Sam Peckinpah, 1964). In 2007 Siegel co-produced a 2-disc special edition DVD for Peckinpah’s STRAW DOGS, formerly banned in Germany.

Being a member of the oldest Opel GT-Club in Germany, Siegel starts filming OPEL GT – DRIVING THE DREAM, a celebration of the cult sports car, in 2008. The DVD was released in 2010 and more Peckinpah-related projects followed: In 2010 the German Special Edition for THE DEADLY COMPANIONS (1961), 2012 saw the release of the UK / German Blu-ray’s for CROSS OF IRON (1976) and CONVOY (1977), 2013 the French Blu-ray for THE KILLER ELITE (1975) followed by the 2014 US Blu-ray release of BRING ME THE HEAD OF ALFREDO GARCIA (1974).

In 2011 Siegel published his second book. Co-authored by Andrew Antoniades STEVE McQUEEN – THE ACTOR AND HIS FILMS was published by Dalton Watson Fine Books in 2011.
Mike Siegel is also a writer of DVD booklets and a regular contributor to the UK / US magazine Cinema Retro.

Legal notice
El Dorado Productions | Michael Siegel
71106 Magstadt Deutschland

Steuernummer: 56420 / 15768

12/8/14 - Ich habe das Vergnügen, Michael Enthammer als...

Ich habe das Vergnügen, Michael Enthammer als neues Teammitglied vorzustellen. Er wird als Co-Produzent der PENDECHOS! Neufassung zusammen mit mir die Neubearbeitung des Filmes in Angriff nehmen. WILLKOMMEN AN BORD!

11/22/14 - Here is a new teaser spot that will play at...

Here is a new teaser spot that will play at local cinemas:

PENDECHOS! Super-16 Roadmovie / Blu-ray
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